OpenEVSE questions

Yes, the OpenEVSE / EmonEVSE supports this function in conjunction with an emonPi to monitor solar PV / Grid export: GitHub - OpenEVSE/ESP8266_WiFi_v2.x: ESP8266 WiFi for OpenEVSE Version 2.x

Yes, the OpenEVSE / EmonEVSE supports a time charge to stop/start a charge between a specific time. See demo UI

Charge schedule is not currently supported at the same time as solar PV divert (Eco Mode). Currently you would need to manually turn off Eco Mode to stop the solar P divert at the end of the day. However, we’re currently adding a feature to automatically stop the charge when solar stops generating. This feature will be ready in the next couple of weeks: Stop charging when solar PV stops generating · Issue #54 · OpenEVSE/openevse_esp32_firmware · GitHub

Not supported

Yes, the OpenEVSE / EmonEVSE is controlled via a web interface. This is available locally when connected to your local network. It’s not currently possible (without opening ports on your router) to acccess this interface outside of the house. See demo UI

No, you wont need any additional current clamps. The emonPi will do all the monitoring you need for solar PV divert with OpenEVSE.

The OpenEVSE has an advanced API to allow any aspect of the device to be controlled via HTTP or MQTT. This is very useful for advanced integration into home automation systems etc.

We’re currently developing a smart scheduling feature to automatically choose the best time to charge (cheapest / lowest carbon) if your on a time of use tariff e.g Octopus Agile