Node values missing

I have a custom transmitter that sends values to a local Emoncms installation. It has node number 27. In emonhub.log I see this:

                                                19042 From Node : 27
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,609 DEBUG    RFM2Pi     19042    Values : [3305, 986.147216796875, 24.0257568359375, 1, 30, 0.2490234375, 31.264968872070312]
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,619 DEBUG    RFM2Pi     19042      RSSI : -62
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,640 INFO     RFM2Pi     Publishing: emon/emonTXv2/batteryvolt 3305
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,656 INFO     RFM2Pi     Publishing: emon/emonTXv2/pres 986.147216797
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,674 INFO     RFM2Pi     Publishing: emon/emonTXv2/bmptemp 24.0257568359
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,689 INFO     RFM2Pi     Publishing: emon/emonTXv2/uvraw 1
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,726 INFO     RFM2Pi     Publishing: emon/emonTXv2/humidity 30
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,762 INFO     RFM2Pi     Publishing: emon/emonTXv2/solarV 0.2490234375
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,775 INFO     RFM2Pi     Publishing: emon/emonTXv2/power 31.2649688721
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,788 INFO     RFM2Pi     Publishing: emon/emonTXv2/rssi -62
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,800 INFO     RFM2Pi     Publishing: emonhub/rx/27/values 3305,986.147216797,24.0257568359,1,30,0.2490234375,31.2649688721
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,826 INFO     RFM2Pi     Publishing: emonhub/rx/27/rssi -62
    2017-03-01 16:01:16,871 DEBUG    RFM2Pi     19042 adding frame to buffer => [1488380476, 27, 3305, 986.147216796875, 24.0257568359375, 1, 30, 0.2490234375, 31.264968872070312, -62]

Here I see my seven values plus rssi as expected.

Then I go to Setup/Inputs and only see this:
emonTXv2 rssi 4 mins -62

In my config I have this:

    nodename = emonTXv2
       names = batteryvolt, pres, bmptemp, uvraw, humidity, solarV, power
       datacodes = h,f,f,h,h,f,f
       scales = 1,1,1,1,1,1,1
       units = V,hPa,C,%,%,V,W

Why doesn’t all values show up as inputs?

See the “Newly created inputs not appearing in emonCMS via MQTT” thread for more details, but it is a known bug with emoncms’s MQTT interface that has not yet been addressed.

Rebooting the emonPi should make the inputs appears.

Thanks. But that doesnt work.
I try to upgrade my installation now following emoncms/ at master · emoncms/emoncms · GitHub.
But I don’t find where Apache redirects. If I open my Raspbians Ip in the browser ( I get redirected to But where does this happen? Dont see any virtual host in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf?

Ok I found the redirect in an index file in /var/www.

But the problem is still there, I dont see all my inputs. Rebooting the Pi didn’t help.
What more to try?

No ideas?