Node-red weather services and dashboards

oh well after a new pi flash from the newest pi image-- everything fully updated node-red ( 0.16.1)and node.js (6.9.4) the same versions as the virtual machine. the public folder still does not work for me- and confirms the newest node.js or node-red breaks freeboard because it no longer install with the newest version on the pi too

as to the memory leak in dashboard graph it still there unless they update in the last couple day again as it stalls out the system.

UPDATE: i got public and freeboard to work on the same system but had to manually install freeboard.
cd into node-red directory
and doing this to installed manually:

git clone
npm install freeboard
git clone
npm install node-red-contrib-freeboard.

no luck with the pi so I give up on that and just work from the virtual machine. then i just port to my orange pi later which install is more simular to virtual machine then the pi

well after 24 hrs or so I went another route - just a script that in freeboard that point to any icon set i want.

here js for freeboard
wuicon.txt (3.4 KB)
just paste it into your js editor of your freeboard

just edit this line :


to match your info

 (datasources["data"] = datasources["F_C"]["forecast"]["simpleforecast"]["forecastday"][0]["icon"]);

and create a a folder in freeboard directory called icons and copy these icons to it (663.2 KB)

or what ever icons you want to use

Hi Steven, ‘fog’ is missing from above.


fog in the wuicon.txt last one on the list

Ah found it, it’s in with the nighttime icons.


glad you found it :slight_smile:
but if you’re curious - i think my main screen dashboard with the weather related stuff looks not to bad. but still needs a little work…

Apologies (if required) for breathing life into this old thread but I am looking to build a dashboard in Node Red that contains this sort of data (and hopefully looks this good). Is the code available at all for public consumption?

mine still works in freeboard if you are using node red freeboard.

paul weather icon I believe is still found at node red