Node-red ui for emoncms dashboards?

Yes, sure. There are a number of minor differences to the flow.
I’m going to password protect the dashboard in a week or so, but for now it can be seen at this url.

node-red.txt (8.5 KB)


Thank you!

I am curious - How is the Home Usage Today calculated on the feed side? And what does it represent? Peak power for the day or?

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It’s basically how much power has been consumed today without considering the offset gained by solar;

+ input Solar
Log to feed
Power to kWh
Power to kWh/d```

I need to revisit some of the processes I'm using when I get time!


Just worked out how to add some really nice weather icons to node-red dashboard if anyone is using it to display weather date via emoncms.
I’ve documented this here, if anyone wants to try them.
They are compatible with weather underground, darksky, forecast, Yahoo, & other data services.



I like it! :thumbsup: I’ll give the weather icons a try. Is your dashboard node-red flow available for sharing?

Not at the moment Jon, I’m mid way in making a number of changes, and although the front end looks OK, the code behind it needs tidying up.


An update to the post above about weather-icons…

I’ve reworked the weather-icons, significantly reduced the package size, and published them to npm -
CSS mappings have also been added for Darksky, Open Weather Map and Weather Underground, so weather service’s api’s can easily load the respective image.

The good news is that the node-red team have now integrated the package into node-red-dashboard, so from v2.7, the weather-icons will come pre-installed by default, and can be used in exactly the same way as the font-awsome typefaces.



@Paul, thanks for this nice share!

I’m just starting now on this “tech world”, can you give me an example in how the “Get emoncms data” and “http request” example?

Thanks in advance

I normally use MQTT to publish data, and then subscribe to that data in node-RED. See MQTT — OpenEnergyMonitor 0.0.1 documentation for how to set this up.

I use http requests to query the emoncms api from node-RED. See Emoncms - site api for examples (guide written originally for, but should apply equally for local installations too)

Hope this helps.

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@Paul indeed, it helped!

Thanks a lot!

There is also an emoncms node for NR :smile:.
