No inputs after emonpi new SD card and CM firmware update

Hi @PeteF

Been there, done that (almost)!


Sorry for a lot of reading!

Briefly, from your log, you have updated the atmega328 processor firmware on the emonPi data collection/RF comms board to emonPi_CM_LPL_1_1_4.hex .

This has the following effects:

  1. It updates the power measurement method from discrete sampling to continuous measurement.
  2. it updates the 433MHz Radio communication format from JeeLib Classic to LPL (Low Power Labs).
  3. it changes the serial data format between the emonPi data collection/RF comms board and the Raspberry Pi over the ttyAMA0 serial interface.

meaning from above

  1. this is perhaps what you wanted.

  2. your emonTx3s and, If they are not recent, emonTHs will be using the JeeLib Classic radio format and will no longer be able to talk wirelessly to the emonPi, unless they too are upgraded to LPL radio format, or the emonPi is downgraded to JeeLib Classic.

  3. The data format and speed of the ttyAMA0 serial interface will have changed so that both the emonHub interfacer and node definitions will need to be edited.

I think one way way to get back to where you were, might be to do a firmware upgrade on the emonPi to: (I haven’t tried this)

select port: ttyAMA0
Hardware: emonPi
Radio Format: RFM69 JeeLib Claasic
Firmware: emonPi Discrete Sampling Firmware, JeeLib Classic, V2.03

I am assuming that the ‘emonPi Discrete Sampling Firmware, JeeLib Classic, V2.03’ doesn’t include the LPL changes to the data format and speed of the ttyAMA0 serial interface.

Hopefully this will (may?) get you up and running again while you decide what you want to do!

To help your choices - I don’t think that you can get Continuous Monitoring on the emonPi if you use the JeeLib Classic radio format.