New homepage and building blocks website

Thanks for your feedback @borpin, It’s really great to hear constructive and specific feedback. Really appreciate you spending the time.

Yes, a ‘how to contribute’ page using GitHub to edit docs would be a good idea. Is anyone able to help us make one :blush: ? It would be great to have it written from the perspective of someone who doesn’t spend 8hr dealing with Github every day!

Yes, I agree there is a fair bit of technical info currently in the guide. e.g. the technical section. We will be moving the firmware / compiling page from guide to learn.

However, I’m not sure that ‘learn’ is the best place for all the tehnical stuff, since much of it e.g. SSH, MYSQL credentials is very specific to the emonPi setup. IMO the best place for documentatin specific to a certian hardware item e.g. hardware pin map, firmware upload instructions etc is on the github respository for that hardware item that way the documentaion can be version controlled together with hardware and firmware revisions. This is a pattern we have been following with our newer hardware units e.g. emonth2, heatpump monitor and I recently move emonTx V3 defaut firmware to a new repo following this syle: emonth3. So the firmware, hardware CAD design, and tehnical docs for each hardware item will all be in one place and version controlled together.

Totally agree, the top bar needs to be consistant. We’re working on it :slight_smile: . The homepage and community forum top bars are now the same, minus ‘home’ on the home top bar and ‘community’ on the community top bar as it doesnt make sense to link to have a link to the same page the user is already on.

So far the Guide has been neglected while we have been working on Learn and the Homepage, over the coming weeks the Guide will get an overhaul and the common top bar will be added. We’re also looking at adding the common top bar to the shop.

I propose using the labs forum category for dev suff or just the forum in general. I have pinned a post which lists active dev topics copied old forum labs section as a pinned topic to the labs section of the forum.

But will it?! It’s incredibly difficult to review docs and then try and decide if they are worth removing in the fututre. The reality is even if we decide not to continue development of certian item this does not mean that bit of development should be deleated. It could still be useful for someone to build upon in the future. The great thing about using the forum (and dedicated github repos) is that older neglected topics and repositories naturally sink to the bottom old the be re-surfaced in a search. Btw have you noticed how amazing the new forum is for searching and finding old topics? Much improvment over the old Drupal forum.

We really want to try and improve the experiance for a new non-technical user. This is the reason we created the Guide. Do you not think that learn would be even more overwhelming for a new user? A new user does not need to be dropped into AC theory and CT burden resistor calculation. The idea with the guide was to present the minimum information the user needs to choose, install, setup and use a basic system. There is definitely scope for improvement, thanks for noting that a ‘CT’ is not explained well enough. I will look at improving this.

We built the first page of the Guide to try and give an overview of each hardware item with comparison table etc. What do you think of the three section of this page explaining the hardware required for each type of system and what each hardware does: System Overview — OpenEnergyMonitor 0.0.1 documentation. Maybe the URL ‘setup’ is slightly misleading, we could rename it to ‘about’?

Yes, github issues are great :thumbsup:

Thanks again for your feedback, we’re all working hard to improve the site onwards and upwards!

If anyone would like to help: Learn, Guide and the new Homepage are all fully open source on GitHub:

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