New emoncms settings format - help testing needed

I ran into a different issue when playing with a completely different docker system. The issue was the environment stuff was not available from within the container. Are the Env Vars available within the container? Just a thought - don’t really understand dockers TBH :slight_smile:

You could put some debug statements into the process_settings.php file to check it is actually doing something.

Final thought, you don’t have a settings.php file do you…

Yes, the env vars are in the container. They are listed with correct values when attaching to container and running the env command.
No, no settings.php

I have little to no clue about PHP. But I see the function concatinates string to some $error_out variable so I did the same. Where would that be displayed? Can’t see it in /var/log/emoncms/emoncms.log

   function ini_check_envvars($config) {
    global $error_out;
    $error_out .= "I'm in ini_check_envvars";
    foreach ($config as $section => $options) {
    $error_out .= "Looping config";
        foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
            // Find {{ }} vars and replace what's within them with the
            // named environment var
    $error_out .= "check options";
            if (strpos($value, '{{') !== false && strpos($value, '}}') !== false) {
                preg_match_all( '/{{([^}]*)}}/', $value, $matches);
                foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
    $error_out .= "Matched {{ }} and found ${match}";
                    if (!isset($_ENV[$match])) {
                        $error_out .= "<p>Error: environment var '${match}' not defined in config section [${section}], setting '${key}'</p>";
                    } else {
                        $newval = str_replace('{{'.$match.'}}', $_ENV[$match], $value);

                        // Convert booleans from strings
                        if ($newval === 'true') {

That is why. If a settings.php exists it gets processed and not the settings.ini.

There is no settings.php

But I looked more closely at the process_settings.php
This line is interesting…

Un-commenting that line however gives loads of errors.

**Warning** : Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in  **/var/www/emoncms/process_settings.php**  on line  **93**

**Warning** : Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in  **/var/www/emoncms/process_settings.php**  on line  **93**

**Warning** : Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in  **/var/www/emoncms/process_settings.php**  on line  **93**

**Warning** : Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in  **/var/www/emoncms/process_settings.php**  on line  **93**

**Warning** : strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in  **/var/www/emoncms/process_settings.php**  on line  **96**

**Warning** : strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in  **/var/www/emoncms/process_settings.php**  on line  **96**

**Warning** : preg_match_all() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in  **/var/www/emoncms/process_settings.php**  on line  **97**

@TrystanLea seems the envars part is commented out and never used ATM.

I have added an Issue with a potential solution.

So it is! Hmm not sure why that is.

@anna_carboncoop is there any chance you could help with this? Im not sure that I know enough about the env vars to get this right.

Have a look at my proposed solution. Pretty sure it will work if done from within the merge.

I think the original does not work because not everything is in an array - hence the check in the merge function.

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Thanks @borpin

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I don’t really remember writing the code at this point :slight_smile: But I’ve posted a simplified version of the function along the lines borpin suggested.


Sounds great! Just ping me if there is something to test and I’ll try it out.