3 May 2018 09:51
How do I check for sure if my redis is installed correctly and working.
When I look at the phpinfo on the Apache server, under the redis section I see.
Perhaps @Lykke can confirm what he see’s once he has got it installed.
I do not have v4.0.1 installed yet to test and I have just found a note in the changelogs stating there are “breaking changes” in post v4 versions, I do not know if they affect us or how to test for them so I have opened an issue on emoncms that hopefully @TrystanLea or @nchaveiro might be able to answer.
opened 09:42AM - 03 May 18 UTC
closed 08:48AM - 17 Jan 19 UTC
Whilst helping a user on the OEM forum I noticed that PECL was installing v4.0.2… and read the [changelog](https://pecl.php.net/package-changelog.php?package=redis&release=4.0.2).
The changelog states "*** WARNING! THIS RELEASE CONTAINS BRAKING API CHANGES! ***" for all versions above 4 and all I could find on those changes is this issue https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/issues/1333 which has a couple of interesting linked issues.
@TrystanLea or @chaveiro are you able to confirm if these changes are going to impact emoncms?
Can we continue to use the latest phpredis versions, now at 4.x.x without changes?
Or can the required changes be made to emoncms?
Or do we need to stick with 3.x.x (currently 3.1.6) and only get critical updates moving forward?
There is always a concern about how long devs will maintain a backwards compatible version and it also presents a "hiccup" in the installation guide as we will need to define a version (eg pecl install redis-3.1.6) instead of leaving it open (eg pecl install redis) and then that needs maintaining in both the guide and any future install or update scripts.
I hope for option 1, or 2 if possible, I think 3 will start to reintroduce the issues we have not long seen resolved over v2.2.5 vs >v2.2.7 and again with php5 vs php7 prior to v3.1.3.
The apt-get package is still at [3.1.1 for Stretch](https://packages.debian.org/stretch/php-redis) which is prior to the rounding issue fix we saw in 3.1.3 and 2.2.5 for Jessie which is prior to the memory leak fix in v2.2.7 (current emonSD image version) so I think we do still need to stick with PECL.
I am unable to test v4.0.0 right now as both my test and live instances are currently on the same server so I cannot use on "test" without the risk of breaking "live".
Any thoughts?
I cannot say yet whether v4 is a problem of if emoncms requires change, but worse case scenario I guess is that you may need to use an earlier version if there is a problem or until we are sure it’s ok. Eg
sudo pecl uninstall redis
sudo pecl install redis-3.1.6
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