Install scripts and "the user"?

In preparing to install EmonCMS on a local Ubuntu server, I am testing the install process in an Ubuntu VM.
The install scripts readme mentions that “For Ubuntu, post base OS install, run this command so the user does not need a password for sudo.”
The “/opt/openenergymonitor/EmonScripts/install/config.ini” file also says to “Change user to reflect your OS user”.

It isn’t entirely clear who “the user” is, or who it should or could be. Are the two users mentioned even the same one? However, my assumption is that the very first step should be that I create a user for Emoncms, and that I should then log in as this user and then run the install scripts?
Or should I just run the scripts after having modified the user in the config.ini file and the script will take care of setting this user up and associating everything that should be user specific with this user?

Another question is of course whether this forum is even the right one for questions related to the install scripts?

Simply yes (working backwards on posts!)

The command listed uses the current user and removes the need for a password when using sudo for the current user.

It is assumed this is the current user. I suppose that could be scripted.


That is your choice. For a Home setup I suggest this is a level of complexity too far especially if the VM is only used for EmonCMS.

No, the script is not that clever!

Did you find this post? This may have moved on a little with the scripts from here and some of the issues I fixed in the scripts (like the services).

Personally I would always create a new user for a new service, or group of services in emon* case. It makes it easier to search sometimes, for logs and config files etc or just reading top or ps.

edit: AIUI you need to set up the user using OS facilities and then login (or su - or whatever the equivalent is in ubuntu-thought-land) as that new user and then run the install. (It all started on a dedicated pi using the pre-provisioned ‘pi’ user and then some bits have been generalised from there)