Input list doesn't load

Hello @margusv, @ivancaregnato.

Could you check the result from this URL which will attempt to access the underlying input list data:


If there are no error’s it should show something like this:


Hopefully it should give us an error in your case which we can use to debug the issue further.

Hi @TrystanLea , thank you for your reply.
Actually I’m away from home but I can connect to my raspberry directly through a NAT.
The result is a blank page with Chrome (or a blank file if I try to open the page with IE11).

same here, with safari and chrome - just blank page *( full white)
when I don’t loaded the name and password from another session, then laoding: " {“success”:false,“message”:“Username or password empty”}", but after start the session from another page then loading just blank page

Just updated to Emoncms 9.8.4 | 2017.05.01, but still same ;(

@margusv are you able to find out which version of the php redis library you are running?

If you run $ pecl info redis

at this top it should say something like:


You should perhaps be wary of asking any specific package manager what it thinks is the current version in use just in case multiple methods of install have been used (eg the emonSD). A safer method is via “info.php” (eg http://emonpi/info.php) or as of v9.8.4 of emoncms, the versions of all loaded php modules are displayed on the admin page (if a version number exists that is).7

1 Like
Server Information
Emoncms	Version	low-write 9.8.4 | 2017.05.01
Modules	admin   app   backup   config   dashboard   eventp   feed   graph   input   postprocess   process   schedule   time   user   vis   wifi
Buffer	60 feed points pending write
Writer	Daemon is running with sleep 60s
Server	OS	Linux 4.4.26+
Host	emonpi emonpi (
Date	2017-05-10 06:04:08 UTC
Uptime	06:04:08 up 1 day, 2:30, 0 users, load average: 0,70, 0,51, 0,51
HTTP	Server	Apache/2.4.10 (Raspbian) HTTP/1.1 CGI/1.1 50666
Database	Version	MySQL 5.5.52-0+deb8u1
Host	localhost (
Date	2017-05-10 06:04:07 (UTC 00:00‌​)
Stats	Uptime: 95375 Threads: 1 Questions: 11403 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 60 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 50 Queries per second avg: 0.119
Redis	Version	2.8.17
Host	localhost:6379 (
Size	122 keys (492.81K)Flush
Uptime	1 days
MQTT	Version	1.4.10
Host	localhost:1883 (
Pi	CPU Temp	42.24°CShutdownReboot
Release	emonSD-07Nov16
File-system	Set root file-system temporarily to read-write, (default read-only)Read-Write Read-Only
Memory	RAM	
Used 51,12%
Total: 482,24 MB Used: 246,52 MB Free: 235,72 MB
Disk	Mount	Stats
Used 56,59%
Total: 3,33 GB Used: 1,88 GB Free: 1,28 GB
Used 34,67%
Total: 59,95 MB Used: 20,78 MB Free: 39,16 MB
Used 3,59%
Total: 3,75 GB Used: 138,21 MB Free: 3,43 GB
PHP	Version	5.6.27-0+deb8u1 (Zend Version 2.6.0)
Modules	apache2handler   bcmath   bz2   calendar   Core v5.6.27-0+deb8u1   ctype   curl   date v5.6.27-0+deb8u1   dba   dio v0.0.4RC4   dom v20031129   ereg   exif v1.4   fileinfo v1.0.5   filter v0.11.0   ftp   gettext   hash v1.0   iconv   json v1.3.6   libxml   mbstring   mcrypt   mhash   mosquitto v0.3.0   mysql v1.0   mysqli v0.1   openssl   pcre   PDO v1.0.4dev   pdo_mysql v1.0.2   Phar v2.0.2   posix   readline v5.6.27-0+deb8u1   redis v2.2.7   Reflection   session   shmop   SimpleXML v0.1   soap   sockets   SPL v0.2   standard v5.6.27-0+deb8u1   sysvmsg   sysvsem   sysvshm   tokenizer v0.1   wddx   xml   xmlreader v0.1   xmlwriter v0.1   Zend OPcache v7.0.6-devFE   zip v1.12.5   zlib v2.0
Server Information
Emoncms	Version	low-write 9.8.4 | 2017.05.01
Modules	admin   app   backup   config   dashboard   eventp   feed   graph   input   postprocess   process   schedule   time   user   vis   wifi
Buffer	56 feed points pending write
Writer	Daemon is running with sleep 60s
Server	OS	Linux 4.4.26-v7+
Host	emonpi emonpi (
Date	2017-05-10 07:34:20 UTC
Uptime	07:34:20 up 10:25, 0 users, load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.06
HTTP	Server	Apache/2.4.10 (Raspbian) HTTP/1.1 CGI/1.1 80
Database	Version	MySQL 5.5.52-0+deb8u1
Host	localhost (
Date	2017-05-10 07:34:20 (UTC 00:00??)
Stats	Uptime: 37522 Threads: 1 Questions: 3607 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 57 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 50 Queries per second avg: 0.096
Redis	Version	2.8.17
Host	localhost:6379 (
Size	208 keys (579.15K)Flush
Uptime	0 days
MQTT	Version	1.4.10
Host	localhost:1883 (
Pi	CPU Temp	51.00įCShutdownReboot
Release	emonSD-07Nov16
File-system	Set root file-system temporarily to read-write, (default read-only)Read-Write Read-Only
Memory	RAM	
Used 29.35%
Total: 973.11 MB Used: 285.59 MB Free: 687.51 MB
Disk	Mount	Stats
Used 57.84%
Total: 3.33 GB Used: 1.93 GB Free: 1.24 GB
Used 34.69%
Total: 59.95 MB Used: 20.8 MB Free: 39.15 MB
Used 43.34%
Total: 193.66 MB Used: 83.94 MB Free: 99.73 MB
PHP	Version	5.6.27-0+deb8u1 (Zend Version 2.6.0)
Modules	apache2handler   bcmath   bz2   calendar   Core v5.6.27-0+deb8u1   ctype   curl   date v5.6.27-0+deb8u1   dba   dio v0.0.4RC4   dom v20031129   ereg   exif v1.4   fileinfo v1.0.5   filter v0.11.0   ftp   gettext   hash v1.0   iconv   json v1.3.6   libxml   mbstring   mcrypt   mhash   mosquitto v0.3.0   mysql v1.0   mysqli v0.1   openssl   pcre   PDO v1.0.4dev   pdo_mysql v1.0.2   Phar v2.0.2   posix   readline v5.6.27-0+deb8u1   redis v2.2.7   Reflection   session   shmop   SimpleXML v0.1   soap   sockets   SPL v0.2   standard v5.6.27-0+deb8u1   sysvmsg   sysvsem   sysvshm   tokenizer v0.1   wddx   xml   xmlreader v0.1   xmlwriter v0.1   Zend OPcache v7.0.6-devFE   zip v1.12.5   zlib v2.0

There’s a discussion here where @JumpMaster appeared to have the same problem. But then it appears to be fixed by version 9.3 which does not seem to be the case in your case…

Did you run the database update?, it should do so as part of EmonPi update.
Otherwise your redis and php versions look fine…

Everytime I update I run update&check DB…just to be clear, I only run EmonBase update cause I don’t have EmonPi.

Hmm, sorry about this, im none the wiser yet.

Could you try looking at the emoncms.log and apache/error.log while attempting to access the input page to see if we can get any clues there:

$ tail -f /var/log/emoncms.log


$ tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

Could you also try the URL:


Hi again @TrystanLea, I can only run the last one cause I don’t have any SSH access from outside:

{"emontx3":{"power1":{"id":"1","processList":"2:-1,3:-6,24:0,1:21,4:22,5:42,22:2,24:0,1:65,4:66,5:68"},"power2":{"id":"2","processList":"1:25,4:26,5:43,11:1,3:-6,24:0,1:59,4:60,5:69"},"power3":{"id":"3","processList":"1:27,4:28,5:44"},"power4":{"id":"4","processList":"24:0,1:29,4:30,5:45"},"vrms":{"id":"29","processList":""},"temp1":{"id":"30","processList":""},"temp2":{"id":"31","processList":""},"temp3":{"id":"32","processList":""},"temp4":{"id":"33","processList":""},"temp5":{"id":"34","processList":""},"temp6":{"id":"35","processList":""},"pulse":{"id":"36","processList":""},"rssi":{"id":"37","processList":""}},"emonth5":{"temperature":{"id":"14","processList":"1:33"},"humidity":{"id":"16","processList":"1:32"},"external temperature":{"id":"42","processList":""},"battery":{"id":"43","processList":""},"pulsecount":{"id":"44","processList":""},"rssi":{"id":"45","processList":""}},"emonth6":{"temperature":{"id":"20","processList":"1:34"},"humidity":{"id":"22","processList":"1:35"},"external temperature":{"id":"38","processList":""},"battery":{"id":"39","processList":""},"pulsecount":{"id":"40","processList":""},"rssi":{"id":"41","processList":""}}}

Later tonight I’ll run the other 2 commands

Is it likely to show any errors if “F12” is used in the browser?

@ivancaregnato that’s interesting, so just to confirm http://emonpi.local/emoncms/input/getinputs.json returns the above result and http://emonpi.local/emoncms/input/list.json returns a blank page?

Yes, I confirm blank page with list.json

Great, let me see id you find any errors in the above logs, hopefully that will highlight something.

Sure, I’ll reply later this night

ooo this URL gives some information:
{"emonpi":{"power1":{"id":"1","processList":""},"power2":{"id":"2","processList":""},"power1pluspower2":{"id":"3","processList":""},"vrms":{"id":"4","processList":""},"t1":{"id":"5","processList":"1:3"},"t2":{"id":"6","processList":""},"t3":{"id":"7","processList":""},"t4":{"id":"8","processList":""},"t5":{"id":"9","processList":""},"t6":{"id":"10","processList":""},"pulsecount":{"id":"11","processList":""},"rssi":{"id":"12","processList":""},"t20":{"id":"32","processList":"1:1"},"t21":{"id":"33","processList":"1:2"},"t19":{"id":"46","processList":"1:9"},"t8":{"id":"47","processList":"1:6"},"t9":{"id":"48","processList":"1:7"},"t10":{"id":"49","processList":"1:8"},"t11":{"id":"50","processList":"1:12"},"t12":{"id":"51","processList":"1:13"},"t17":{"id":"52","processList":"1:22"},"t18":{"id":"53","processList":"1:21"},"t13":{"id":"54","processList":"1:23"},"t14":{"id":"55","processList":"1:24"},"t15":{"id":"56","processList":"1:25"},"t16":{"id":"57","processList":"1:26"}},"emonth7":{"temperature":{"id":"13","processList":"1:4"},"external temperature":{"id":"14","processList":""},"humidity":{"id":"15","processList":""},"battery":{"id":"16","processList":""},"pulsecount":{"id":"17","processList":""},"rssi":{"id":"18","processList":""}},"emontx3":{"power1":{"id":"19","processList":"1:14,4:15"},"power2":{"id":"20","processList":"4:16,1:17"},"power3":{"id":"21","processList":"1:18,4:19"},"power4":{"id":"22","processList":""},"vrms":{"id":"23","processList":""},"temp1":{"id":"24","processList":"1:5"},"temp2":{"id":"25","processList":""},"temp3":{"id":"26","processList":""},"temp4":{"id":"27","processList":""},"temp5":{"id":"28","processList":""},"temp6":{"id":"29","processList":""},"pulse":{"id":"30","processList":""},"rssi":{"id":"31","processList":""}},"emonth8":{"temperature":{"id":"34","processList":"1:11"},"external temperature":{"id":"35","processList":""},"humidity":{"id":"36","processList":""},"battery":{"id":"37","processList":""},"pulsecount":{"id":"38","processList":""},"rssi":{"id":"39","processList":""}},"emonth5":{"temperature":{"id":"40","processList":"1:10"},"external temperature":{"id":"41","processList":""},"humidity":{"id":"42","processList":""},"battery":{"id":"43","processList":""},"pulsecount":{"id":"44","processList":""},"rssi":{"id":"45","processList":""}},"0":{"1":{"id":"58","processList":""},"2":{"id":"59","processList":""},"3":{"id":"60","processList":""},"4":{"id":"61","processList":""},"5":{"id":"62","processList":""},"6":{"id":"63","processList":""},"7":{"id":"64","processList":""},"8":{"id":"65","processList":""}}}

pi@emonpi(ro):~$ tail -f /var/log/emoncms.log 
2017-05-09 21:09:19.442|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Starting MQTT Input script
2017-05-09 21:09:20.693|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Subscribing to: emon/#
2017-05-09 21:09:20.693|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Not connected, retrying connection
2017-05-09 21:09:20.694|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Connecting to MQTT server: Connection Accepted.: code: 0
2017-05-09 21:09:20.694|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Subscribed to topic: emon/#
2017-05-09 21:09:25.082|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Starting MQTT Input script
2017-05-09 21:09:26.153|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Subscribing to: emon/#
2017-05-09 21:09:26.153|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Not connected, retrying connection
2017-05-09 21:09:26.154|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Connecting to MQTT server: Connection Accepted.: code: 0
2017-05-09 21:09:26.154|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Subscribed to topic: emon/#

pi@emonpi(ro):~$ tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log 
[Tue May 09 21:09:00.352495 2017] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1391] AH00163: Apache/2.4.10 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations
[Tue May 09 21:09:00.352624 2017] [core:notice] [pid 1391] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'
[Wed May 10 07:26:28.127383 2017] [:error] [pid 2680] [client] script '/var/www/html/info.php' not found or unable to stat

I have made a change to the emoncms master branch that might solve this issue, are you able to pull in the latest master branch? The default emoncms branch on the emonbase/pi is stable, to switch to master the steps are:

cd /var/www/emoncms
git checkout master
git pull origin master

backup button is stolen :wink: - from admin :frowning: - how I can now backup the data ?