George I am not going to discuss this any further with you.
Red for left and Green for right - if you’re a sailor or a pilot!
That’s no good where’s the logic in that? gReen for Right’s ok
I didn’t think sailors understood left and right, everything’s port and starboard to them,
The navigation lights on ships and aeroplanes are red on the left, green on the right.
I was just jesting about there being no link between the words “red” and “left”, I also know sailors do actually understand left and right too.
Red and blue, red and green or even pink and orange would work equally well, as long as they are clear enough to tell them apart and read ok against the background.
Setting two independent Y-axes would be very useful, for example when plotting outside temperatures in degrees C and pressure in milibars. Graphs just don’t work for this when you can only have auto Y scaling with 2 axes. My vote goes absolutely with your comments of June in this thread. In this case it’s pretty obvious what a scale of 960 to 1040 apples to v. -5 to 30 for example.