No there isn’t.
Some time ago I was working on a “rpi” script that offered many options from creating a data partition, adding a hdd, switching between a RO OS and standard OS, enabling MQTT, enabling the LAMP etc etc, This was offered to T&G way before the emonPi or the emonPi image was here. I have not pursued this due to the current trend not to ssh in favor of the emoncms config pages.
Here’s my forwarding only emonbase via ssh,
Using username "pi".
Authenticating with public key "pb66" from agent
Linux energyPi 3.18.11+ #781 PREEMPT Tue Apr 21 18:02:18 BST 2015 armv6l
___ ___ __ __ _ _
/ _ \ _ __ ___ _ _ | __|_ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _| \/ |___ _ _ (_) |_ ___ _ _
| (_) | '_ \/ -_) ' \| _|| ' \/ -_) '_/ _` | || | |\/| / _ \ ' \| | _/ _ \ '_|
\___/| .__/\___|_||_|___|_||_\___|_| \__, |\_, |_| |_\___/_||_|_|\__\___/_|
|_| |___/ |__/ .org
(type 'emon' for details)
pi@energyPi ~ $ rpi
The 'rpi' command options
General utilities
-c | --config Opens an extended 'raspi-config' user menu
-h | --help Display this help for 'rpi' command options
-u | --update Updates the Raspbian OS & debian packages
-l | --lock Lock (read-only enabled filesystem)
-o | --open Open (read-only enabled filesystem)
-s | --status Report status information
File system utilities
-er | --enable-ro Configures filesystem as read-only
-dr | --disable-ro Reverse changes to read-only filesystem
-ro | --read-only Lock (read-only enabled filesystem)
-rw | --read-write Open (read-only enabled filesystem)
-ad | --add-datapart Add a data partition
-mr | --move-rootfs Configures OS & rootfs on USB drive
-em | --enable-mqtt Enable Mosquitto MQTT v3.1.1 server
pi@energyPi ~ $ emonhub
The 'emonhub' command options
emonHub utilities
-c | --config Configure emonHub by editing emonhub.conf
-t | --crontab Opens emonHub's crontab time scheduler
-h | --help Display help for 'emonhub' command options
-r | --restart Restart the emonhub service
-s | --start Start the emonhub service
-u | --update Update emonHub via the git repository
-v | --version Display the emonHub version installed
-x | --exit Exit emonHub by stopping the emonhub service
-d | --disable Disable emonHub from starting automatically
-e | --enable Enable emonHub to always start automatically
emonHub logging
-dl | --display-log Display last 10 & on-going log messages
-ol | --open-logfile Open logfile in nano text editor
-rl | --reset-logfile Reset the current logfile (deletes log!)
-vl | --view-logfile View the entire logfile
pi@energyPi ~ $ emoncms
Note emonCMS has not been fully installed & configured yet
The following commands will be available once emonCMS is installed
The 'emoncms' command options
emonCMS utilities
-c | --config Opens emoncms.conf for configuration
-h | --help Display this 'emoncms' command options help
-u | --update Updates emonCMS via the git repository
emonCMS setup
-da | --disable-all Disables the server, database & emonCMS
-el | --enable-lite Enables server, database & lite emonCMS
-ef | --enable-full Enables server, database & full emonCMS
To install emonCMS use 'emoncms --install' for installer options
pi@energyPi ~ $
Bill suggested the changes to bash.rc for (RW) and (RO) way back, at the time I actually got the prompt to change colour, red for RO and green for RW but I’ve since lost that feature some where along the line.
EDIT - Oh! I forget I made the “emon” option that listed them all, just spotted above.
pi@energyPi ~ $ emon
The 'OpenEnergyMonitor' Open-source Hardware & Software project
navigation via the 'rpi', 'emonhub' & 'emoncms' commands
The 'rpi' command options
General utilities
-c | --config Opens an extended 'raspi-config' user menu
-h | --help Display this help for 'rpi' command options
-u | --update Updates the Raspbian OS & debian packages
-l | --lock Lock (read-only enabled filesystem)
-o | --open Open (read-only enabled filesystem)
-s | --status Report status information
File system utilities
-er | --enable-ro Configures filesystem as read-only
-dr | --disable-ro Reverse changes to read-only filesystem
-ro | --read-only Lock (read-only enabled filesystem)
-rw | --read-write Open (read-only enabled filesystem)
-ad | --add-datapart Add a data partition
-mr | --move-rootfs Configures OS & rootfs on USB drive
-em | --enable-mqtt Enable Mosquitto MQTT v3.1.1 server
The 'emonhub' command options
emonHub utilities
-c | --config Configure emonHub by editing emonhub.conf
-t | --crontab Opens emonHub's crontab time scheduler
-h | --help Display help for 'emonhub' command options
-r | --restart Restart the emonhub service
-s | --start Start the emonhub service
-u | --update Update emonHub via the git repository
-v | --version Display the emonHub version installed
-x | --exit Exit emonHub by stopping the emonhub service
-d | --disable Disable emonHub from starting automatically
-e | --enable Enable emonHub to always start automatically
emonHub logging
-dl | --display-log Display last 10 & on-going log messages
-ol | --open-logfile Open logfile in nano text editor
-rl | --reset-logfile Reset the current logfile (deletes log!)
-vl | --view-logfile View the entire logfile
Note emonCMS has not been fully installed & configured yet
The following commands will be available once emonCMS is installed
The 'emoncms' command options
emonCMS utilities
-c | --config Opens emoncms.conf for configuration
-h | --help Display this 'emoncms' command options help
-u | --update Updates emonCMS via the git repository
emonCMS setup
-da | --disable-all Disables the server, database & emonCMS
-el | --enable-lite Enables server, database & lite emonCMS
-ef | --enable-full Enables server, database & full emonCMS
To install emonCMS use 'emoncms --install' for installer options
pi@energyPi ~ $