sorry - I was alluding to the missing data at the Wh Accumulator and the “feed last value 0.00” you correctly pointed out.
It was a new feed but I’d been pushing different bits of data into it while trying to figure things out and the source data is based on a pulsecount from my gas meter.
I think I was hitting the 25kW limit as you guessed because it sprung into life and started showing data when I changed the scaling factor to log as kWh instead… I’ve now got the following on my process list:
I’ve since also realised I’m logging two pulses per rotation and that it’s better to use the pulse increment processor based on one of your old posts here
I’ve only corrected it today, so have kept the old process logging for now too, the numbers seem to look more sensible, but will observe for a bit. The gas_power feed (kWh to Power at line 10) is producing some numbers I don’t understand at the moment though - the graph looks like this:
I guess the best way to visualise it would be to bar chart the data by summing values in a given time period? but I don’t get why the numbers are so high? This is what the source data is doing over the same period:
I’ll have a look at the source code and see if it clarifies things too