Hi Neil,
Thanks for all your help, I watched the videos a few days ago when you first posted them, I think I had seen all of them before but it was useful to watch them again.
I changed my modulation to 8 today, it makes no difference, it was 2.
I may remove it completely tomorrow, I’ll explain, I just need a steady fixed flow temperature, I know 36c will give me a dT of about 6.3c and a COP of 5.0 plus or minus a bit putting out 4,500w of heat at 900w of electrical input. That was the point of all my testing, I know what gets me a COP of 5 at the least electrical input. Now I know that I can just try and find a way of getting as close to it as I can but not running 24 hours a day as I was.
My problems are twofold, my heat pump produces too much heat for the house, today I need 2kW of heat but the heat pump produces 4 to 4.5kW.
So I can only run it for 40 to 50% of the day, that is now taken care of by the Madoka holding (sort of) 22c room temperature
The other problem is a dip in performance after the first 30 minutes of a heating run, it coincides with the drop in flow rate from 25lpm down to 10lpm, the flow temperature drops, the dT closes and the heat output drops. It recovers after another 30 to 40 minutes and then the COP recovers to 4.50 to 5.00
How to stop the drop in flow temperature?