I’m happy to announce that we are now shipping the EmonTxV3CM continuous monitoring firmware as the default firmware on EmonTx units from our shop.
I have updated the EmonTx product page here accordingly:
emonTx - Energy Monitor Transmitter - Shop | OpenEnergyMonitor
and added a note to the top of the discreet sampling firmware repository here:
emontx3/README.md at master · openenergymonitor/emontx3 · GitHub
If the 3x AA battery holder option is selected when ordering an EmonTx through the shop we upload the discreet firmware rather than the continuous monitoring firmware (which is not compatible with battery powered operation as the EmonTx does not go to sleep). I’ve added a note to the EmonTx product page to explain this.
Thankyou again to @Robert.Wall for all of your hard work on EmonLibCM.