emonTx5 transmitter node & emonPi2 (12 CT expansion) available in the shop

This is awesome, Trystan. Can you say more about what the N American split phase unit would include? I’d like to update the “emonTx in N America” thread I’ve been using to keep track of the evolving shop options. emonTx V4, emonVS in North America - Hardware - OpenEnergyMonitor Community. The last update in there at this moment is from Dec 2023 from the time-window when no emonTx (only emonPi) options were available in the shop.

I’ve been tracking things in terms of a “technical user” that would go to the extent of monitoring both legs of the split-phase with an emonVS, assigning to each CT the correct leg/phase according to the physical connection in the breaker panel. And a “non-technical user” that would use a NEMA 5-15P cable with the emonVS, plug it into an outlet, and do what we’ve historically done with single-phase firmware and an AC-AC adapter (in the emonTx3 era.)

These are the users I have in mind when I wonder what comes with the N America option in the shop.


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