emonPi2 initial setup

You might be correct, I haven’t seen the emonPi2, so I don’t know what’s inside it. I wrote the library, I’ve no control over how it is used.

Somewhere, you should have the ability to edit the ‘front end’ (i.e, the ‘emonTx4’ part) sketch with the correct configuration and compile and upload it, assuming (maybe without good reason) it’s like the original emonPi.

If you can’t do this, then in emonCMS, you need to divide the voltages by 1.013, the currents by 3.003 and the powers by the product of those, to get closer to the correct results. Page 3 of the documentation “EmonLibDB Application Interface - Power & Energy” gives details of the calibration constants. These haven’t changed since the first release of the library in May.