I don’t think I can help with the emonPi (presumably V.1) stopping working, but seeing
reminded me that you might want to look at the topic
When the CM (continuous measurement) method was introduced instead of the previous DS (discrete sampling) method some time ago, the format for the radio transmissions was changed from the Jeelib format to the LPL (Low Power Labs) format. This required new firmware in the emonPi board for the CM and LPL updates.
When this happened there were problems with incorrect results showing oh the emonPi LCD display, so there may not be a hardware problem with your emonPi board.
From memory, the other things that changed in the CM/LPL update were
- the /dev/ttyAMA0 baud rate increased from 38400 to 115200
- the emonHub config for the emonPi changed as the CM/LPL format included a message number at the beginning of the data and extra
measurements - the CM node name for the emonPi in emonHub was originally suggested as emonpiCM. As the original DS node name was emonpi, this meant that the CM data did not appear in the original inputs, unless the CM node name was changed back to emonpi.
So you might want to check what updates you’ve done.
Don’t know if this helps! Apologies in advance for any mistakes!