Emonhub - paho-mqtt fails to install

I burned the complete image, inserted in the Rpi, connected the network cable, two CT sensors, ensured TX was sending readings, and connected the VRMS, and then powered it up.

An hour later my meeting was over and I could not find the IP address on my router nor using Advanced IP Scanner. - Screen on the emonpi says: Booting…Please wait.

Rebooting it by disconnecting the power and wait another half an hour - same.

  • Screen on the emonpi says: Booting…Please wait.

I then disconnected all peripherals, open the emonpi, connect network cable, keyboard and a monitor so I could see what is going on:

On the screen.

You are in emergency mode. after logging in type "journalctl -xb" to view
system logs. "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or "exit"
to boot into defalt mode.

Cannot open access to console, the root account is locked.
See sulogin(8) man page for details.

Press Enter to continue

Then if I press the Enter these lines just repeat. and the emonpi shows -
Booting…Please wait.

So the Pi does not complete the boot process and is not connecting to the network.

I recorded a video with my phone, if you are interested in that.

Hello @Frits I wonder if the SD card has some hardware level faults that are then resulting in what you are seeing? it should not fall over in an hour! Did you get the SD card from us? how much use has it had?

Sounds like this is potentially a specific issue with building a new image using EmonScripts? Looks like we need to look at this. I haven’t had time to work on a new image yet with the new hardware in progress.

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So I tried once more with a 32 Gb card and burned the complete img.

It started up and I was able to restore the settings from the old disk using the USB route.
All services start perfectly fine now. - appears that the new card caused the issues. I now have a 32Gb in with VERY minimal use.
Now there is a constant feed to the MQTT server, no previously built dashboards work, but I can see there are “input” reading for my emonpi and emontx3.

It is so long ago I built the dashboards, I will have to re-study it and rebuild the dashboards.

Thanks for the help


Yes it could be - the info that it was built via the scripts wasn’t apparent at the start of this and does explain why it had not been seen before.

It could be that the packaging is causing the issue on the latest version of Raspberry OS.

Note there is the message about not using pip via the wrapper but invoking with python command.

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