I suspect it was actually previously pointing at /usr/share/emonhub/emonhub.py . . .
as that was the original path and the original symlink is still there.
I had also thought a decision had been made to use an absolute path of
/usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/emonhub/emonhub.py
but I see no evidence of that in the updates or repos.
That’s not something I’m familiar with I’m afraid.
I had a brief look at the updater and assuming (never a good idea) that this bit was successful
then this bit must of failed
but that’s mostly a guess on my part. Some serious rolling up of the sleeves would be needed for me to delve any deeper into that code.
Bottom line, I think is to find where your emoncms modules are located (ie did they get moved successfully) and then check that the default.config.cfg file was duplicated and then edited with all the right paths, I guess.