emonBase Internet Traffic Download is High

Thanks @grod55 looks like you are using EmonHub to upload the data rather than the sync module so that’s fine. Could you check the config on your local emonBase emoncms. Navigate to Setup > EmonHub> Edit config and check the EmonHubEmoncmsHTTPInterfacer:

        Type = EmonHubEmoncmsHTTPInterfacer
            pubchannels = ToRFM12,
            subchannels = ToEmonCMS,
            url = https://emoncms.org
            apikey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            senddata = 1    # Enable sending data to Emoncms.org
            sendnames = 1    # Send full input names (compression will be automatically enabled)
            interval = 30    # Bulk send interval to Emoncms.org in seconds

What is your interval set to here?

Hi Trystan,

the interval is set to 30 (it was 10 a few days ago before I changed it to 30). This is also where I changed the URL to HTTP per my previous post.

Type = EmonHubEmoncmsHTTPInterfacer
pubchannels = ToRFM12,
subchannels = ToEmonCMS,
url = http://emoncms.org
apikey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
senddata = 1 # Enable sending data to Emoncms.org
sendnames = 1 # Send full input names (compression will be automatically enabled)
interval = 30 # Bulk send interval to Emoncms.org in seconds

[APIkey removed, Moderator (RW)]

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Hi Trystan,

after changing the interval to 30 seconds and switching to HTTP, I am still seeing high usage per day. Over the last 24 hours, it was 98MB down and 2.8MB Up. The average packet size is:
Down - 172.4 bytes
Up - 148.5 bytes
The difference is in the number of packets. 568,446 for down and 18,880 for up (a ratio of 30:1).

In 24 hours, I would expect to send 2,880 packets (24hrs x 60 min x 2 (my 30-second upload interval)) on the upload.

I just changed the interval to 3600 (hourly) to see how much of an impact this has.

Hello @grod55 it certainly seems like your getting way in excess of even the download rate I was seeing of about 5MB per day when using HTTP…

There must be something else going on here?

Is this per device bandwidth monitoring? E.g are you sure that this is the emonBase only?
Does this traffic include local access to the device e.g when you login locally and have the feeds page open or a dashboard?

I would try a process of elimination to try and pin this down.

A starting point might be to turn off emonhub completely, stop and disable it via the admin services list. This will clearly stop the emonBase from functioning but it’s a good elimination test as a starting point.

This definitely solved the problem. I tried another method of monitoring the data (it looks like my previous method was picking up some other overhead data). As you can see from the chart below (from my wireless router - which has a couple of other non-emon devices attached), changing from HTTPS to HTTP and adjusting the interval from 10 seconds to 30 seconds has made a dramatic improvement).



Great to see that result!