Ds18b20 and emonTX3CM firmware

OK I have not changed anything so that should not be an issue.

Iā€™ve run out of ideas.
I think Iā€™ve downloaded the sketch youā€™re using. One change: Iā€™m using 868 MHz and two sensors. Iā€™ve unplugged the sensor on the RJ45, now on the emonGLCD Iā€™m seeing 2225 from the active sensor and 30000 on the other two. That is correct.
I think Iā€™ve downloaded the emonLibCM youā€™re using.
Iā€™ve wiped the EEPROM.
Iā€™m seeing temperatures on the radio.

I reset the emonTx, entered config mode; did w0, x, now on the terminal monitor Iā€™m seeing

NO CTā€™s detected
AC missing

Hereā€™s my binary EmonTxV3CM.ino.standard.hex (81.4 KB)

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Tried every combination but no luck @TrystanLea any ideas?

Stripped right back, emonTX powered by DC, prebuilt V1.6, sensor wired directly to terminal block. Nothing else attached.

BTW @Robert.Wall, I found switching between different firmware builds, it sometimes seemed to pick up settings from the EEPROM. Does an r clear the EEPROM completely?

Thatā€™s actually the whole point of the emonEEProm library. If the sketch/build has an unique signature, then each gets to use its own patch of EEPROM. You can have several sketches, each owning their own patch and not interfering with one another.

It depends. If youā€™re NOT using emonEEProm library, then it should do (but check the code for the config file that youā€™re using). If you are, then it flags your patch of EEPROM as ā€œinvalidā€, and the call to read it fails. Itā€™s not actually wiped - another s will write the new configuration, but it only overwrites the changed bytes (in an attempt to conserve EEPROM life).

Fire up EmonTxV34CM_max.ino that came with your emonLibCM. That doesnā€™t have any fancy stuff in it, it just demonstrates all the library API, including temperatures. If that reports temperatures, it eliminates your hardware, sensors and the library.

With a 100,000 write cycle spec, thereā€™s not likely much chance thatā€™s going to be a problem.


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I know, but it seemed a better idea to do it than not - especially as itā€™s at no significant cost in usability nor programming effort (just a different EEPROM library call) nor execution time.

And there was I, hoping you were shedding light on whatā€™s gone wrong for Brian. :disappointed:

As the TV sitcom secret agent Maxwell Smart used to say sorry about that, Chief :grin:

Ok so potential progress; it at least read the sensor address, but no temperatures.

EmonTx v3.4 EmonLibCM Continuous Monitoring Maximal Demo
Temperature Sensors found = 1 of 6, with addresses...
28 90 85 56 B5 1 3C 37

Temperature measurement is enabled.

AC present
 V=247.51 f=50.07
Ch 1 I=0.709 W=104 VA=175 Wh=0 pf=0.5910
Ch 2 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 3 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 4 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
  1 = 25.0000
AC present
 V=246.99 f=50.07
Ch 1 I=0.736 W=108 VA=182 Wh=0 pf=0.5948
Ch 2 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 3 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 4 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
  1 = 0.0000

Libraries included in build.

Dependency Graph
|-- <EmonLibCM> 2.3.0 #8d0539c [git+https://github.com/openenergymonitor/EmonLibCM.git] (/opt/openenergymonitor/EmonTxV34CM_max/.pio/libdeps/emontx_pi/EmonLibCM)
|   |-- <DallasTemperature> 3.7.7 (/opt/openenergymonitor/EmonTxV34CM_max/.pio/libdeps/emontx_pi/DallasTemperature_ID54)
|   |   |-- <OneWire> 2.3.5 (/opt/openenergymonitor/EmonTxV34CM_max/.pio/libdeps/emontx_pi/OneWire_ID1)
|   |-- <OneWire> 2.3.5 (/opt/openenergymonitor/EmonTxV34CM_max/.pio/libdeps/emontx_pi/OneWire_ID1)
|   |-- <SPI> 1.0 (/home/pi/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-avr/libraries/SPI)
|   |-- <Wire> 1.0 (/home/pi/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-avr/libraries/Wire)
|-- <JeeLib> (/opt/openenergymonitor/EmonTxV34CM_max/.pio/libdeps/emontx_pi/JeeLib_ID252)

All I can say is Iā€™m using the official Arduino IDE, I donā€™t update the other libraries as a matter of course - having been burned by that one in the past - and Iā€™m not seeing the same problem.

That means nothing to me. If somebodyā€™s produced an ā€œupdatedā€ library thatā€™s not backwards compatible, thatā€™s unacceptable.

Except that you are using a version of the OneWire library that is not even listed AFAICS.

Could you try the pre compiled V1.6 or 1.7 and see if that works please? :pleading_face:

Iā€™ve no idea how to do that. I always compile and load in one operation using the Arduino IDE. I canā€™t see an option to import and load a compiled binary.


EmonTx v3.4 EmonLibCM Continuous Monitoring Maximal Demo
Temperature Sensors found = 1 of 6, with addressesā€¦
28 81 43 31 7 0 0 D9

Temperature measurement is enabled.

AC missing
V=3.26 f=0.00
Ch 1 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 2 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 3 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 4 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
1 = 21.1200
AC missing
V=0.26 f=0.00
Ch 1 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 2 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 3 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 4 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
1 = 21.1200

Meanwhile, this code works. There must be an incompatibility with the emonCMLib and the libraries currently available / latest. I note that this sketch uses the abstraction layer provided by the Dallas Library rather than calling OneWire directly.

#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>

#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 5

// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire device
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);

// Pass oneWire reference to DallasTemperature library
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

void setup(void)
  sensors.begin();      // Start up the library
  pinMode(19, 0x1);
  digitalWrite(19, 0x1);

void loop(void)
  // Send the command to get temperatures

  //print the temperature in Celsius
  Serial.print("Temperature: ");
  Serial.print("C  |  ");

  //print the temperature in Fahrenheit
  Serial.print((sensors.getTempCByIndex(0) * 9.0) / 5.0 + 32.0);

--- Miniterm on /dev/ttyAMA0  115200,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
Temperature: 24.75C  |  76.55F
Temperature: 24.75C  |  76.55F
Temperature: 24.75C  |  76.55F
Temperature: 24.87C  |  76.77F
Temperature: 24.75C  |  76.55F
Temperature: 24.75C  |  76.55F
Temperature: 24.75C  |  76.55F

At least I am learning a little bit about coding these boards :laughing:.

It might save me a few weeksā€™ work if you can tell me what the changes have been.
But more to the point, why canā€™t people consider backwards compatibility when they change stuff?

Sorry, I have absolutely no idea! I couldnā€™t even compare the 2 as a) to old one you use isnā€™t available and b) the difference is probably so big it would be impossible.

I suggest instead of getting the temps via your own OneWire calls, you use the abstraction layer the Dallas library provides.

You have to crack an egg to make an omelette. Sometimes you just need to break stuff.

Look at emoncms - it has broken stuff so updates from 8.x to 10.x simply would not work. It is a good reason to keep up with changes as they occur; easier to fix a few little things.

The problem is, all that takes too long - it waits for ages, I could look up the numbers but I canā€™t be bothered, itā€™s about a second from memory, and depends on the resolution you ask for - and so breaks up the continuous monitoring. So the only way to use that and do continuous monitoring is to have two processors (or two cores).

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IIRC, for 11 bit resolution, it takes 750 ms.
The others drop roughly by a factor of 2 as the resolution goes from fine to coarse.

So yes, yer memory is still workinā€™ :wink:

Sampling every 104 Āµs, thatā€™s a long, long, time.

Basically, thatā€™s why I only use the Dallas library to search for sensors - once, at start-up and when theyā€™re enabled.

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Yep, Thatā€™s an ā€œeternityā€ in electronics. :grin:

When you read how they do the search, it makes sense. Itā€™s the price you pay for using one wire relatively slowly, and itā€™s slow because of power and driver constraints.

Bad News - for you. Nope. That theory bites the dust. I have just downloaded Arduino 1.8.12 and the only two relevant, that is non-Arduino, libraries, OneWire and the Arduino Dallas, and installed them; and my example sketch still works just fine. The temperatures still report as they should:

EmonTx v3.4 EmonLibCM Continuous Monitoring Maximal Demo
Temperature Sensors found = 2 of 6, with addressesā€¦
28 81 43 31 7 0 0 D9
28 8D A5 C7 5 0 0 D5

Temperature measurement is enabled.

AC missing
V=3.27 f=0.00
Ch 1 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 2 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 3 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
Ch 4 I=0.000 W=0 VA=0 Wh=0 pf=0.0000
1 = 20.3700
2 = 20.5000


I do force the resolution down when the reporting period gets small, then ban temperatures completely when it gets too small.

As it is, thereā€™s a tiny hesitation while it reads the bus, because it relies on timing as thereā€™s only a single wire data bus.