Hello everyone, there is also a new firmware with a Wifi fix.

One or the other has been affected by this, so try it out, it works well for me. No more reboots when the WLAN is off :slight_smile:


Since overall power consumption is an important factor to you, you may want to consider these additional thoughts on the matter:

1 - the AP doesn’t have to be powered on all day; it only needs to be on whilst you’re using your phone to interrogate the battery (the battery will re-connect to the wifi when it comes back up, as will your phone).

2 - I haven’t don’t have any data to back up my claim, but I would imagine that if you’re only interrogating the battery from your phone for a short period a couple of times a day then the overall power consumption would actually be less than if the main controller supported AP mode and was broadcasting beacons all day long

Food for thought :slight_smile:

Thanks. My thoughts as well. Just need to switch on the AP when needed.
I’ve got a system working on an ESP 8266 (instead of an ESP 32) as this should use less power but I haven’t been able to test a 32 yet.

Back to that question, what functionalities are disabled when i dont use a shunt? Can i still use the dynamic charge/discharge function to control the Cerbos DVCC?

A long time ago i read here that you could not extend the lcd with a cable because of interference, well it actually works so if you need it you can do it.


I bought a set of controller, 16S board and passive balancer from Stuart’s shop a while back and finally got around to setting it up. I’ve got a 2P16S battery of EVE MB31 314Ah cells that i charged and top balanced by placing all of them in parallel for a few days. Unfortunately, my battery module insists that two of the cells are off by a 20ish mV and it really wants to balance them. I’ve measured the voltages right on the 17-pin terminal block and they are all within a mV of each other. Also, the measured voltage for the rest of the cells is off (it should be 3.320V, according to my fairly good multimeter, not 3.327V). Calibrating the cell in the module configuration does nothing. Any good ideas?

Obligatory angry pixy porn: