Data Viewer questions

not to my knowledge, I seem to recall @TrystanLea explaining what they were when they got added, but I have just done a quick search and didn’t come up with anything.

Because not all of the datapoints are displayed, there is only so many datapoints shown depending on browser window size, screen resolution, total period queried, the selected interval and of course the feed interval. The api call will look for a datapoint close to each target datapoint and if there is no data at that point it might show as missing. Shifting either the start or end times could result in a completely different results set or graphed profile for pretty much the same period.

I think you are looking at the “dataviewer” visualization rather than “graph” module, it’s the graph module that gives you the feed list on the left.

There is a setting in emoncms settings.php to use the “graph” module as the default “dataviewer” when clicked from the feeds page

if you set that to graph/ you will be taken to a different page when you click the eye next to a feed on the feeds page.

BUT! for that to work you need to install the graphs module, I don’t see it as an installed module in your server info.

No there’s no other clue’s other than the comment in settings.php.

Indeed it would, as far as I can tell only the average is available. For the feed api dox

Returns feed data between start time and end time at the interval specified. Each datapoint is the average (mean) for the period starting at the datapoint timestamp.