Dashboard Improvements

Yeh I want to make resizing and moving much easier. I thought it would be a good idea to make it so if you drag anywhere it moves the element, rather than just if you click the (sometimes hard to see!) centre square.

I’m not so sure that would be a good idea unless increasing the size of the resizing drag handles too, they are that small that if you miss and drag to resize you would drag your widget across the screen and have to put it back (or undo!).

It may be a concern to some that larger handles maybe ugly ( I think this has come up before) but I think there is plenty of room to increase them a bit and possibly even increase the “active zone” slightly more (if it is a separate thing to the graphic) to have a bit of a catch area, the same for the centre handle, or probably even a bit bigger than the side handles. I guess the issue with oversize handle zones is if they overlap neighboring or nested items

It’s also me worth mentioning, I have a touch screen laptop and it is impossible to use the current handles with the touchscreen even with a stylus, if the handle active area was at least the size a finger could grasp, regardless of the handle graphic size it would be very forgiving when using the mouse and much more touchscreen friendly.

And then if there was less chance of missing the current handles and it was more touchscreen friendly, I would definitely prefer the ability to un-select with a second click (or touch) over having a much larger catch area for dragging, or at least I think so.