Could not do basic feed API query


I submitted the following pull request last night as the PHPFina get_data_dmy() was not returning the last full data point and also noticed the additional data points from get_data() detailed above.

Using an example of a monthly interval, I also found that where the data started to be collected within that interval that this interval is overlooked. e.g. month data starting 1st July, but the data was first recorded 15th July, is a null data point. An equivalent happens if requested end is after the last captured data point.

I propose that the get_data*() and get_average*() functions are expanded to include a ‘partial’ option, meaning that when requested it will return these first/ last entries and if appropriate could even place them against the datetime for that the start/ end, 15th July with the data point for the example above.

I’m willing to write something up, but wanted confirmation and thoughts before starting. We could also resolve Paul’s request as the same time.
