Continuing discussions started in the old forums?

How do we continue discussions that started on the old forum?

Or contact those members to see if they can share what they have found out till now?

Glyn or Trysan might be able to help, but as far as I know, the old membership list is gone. Some members have migrated and kept the same user name, some have migrated and changed their user name, with varying degrees of similarity. (Viz: It wouldn’t allow Robert Wall, so I had to have Robert.Wall)

I think the pragmatic way is to hope they see this, or appeal directly using the same topic name.

You could try searching for them on the new forum then notifying them with a @ mention. Obviously we could not force users to join the new forum therefore there might be some old users who have not migrated.

@glyn.hudson is there any chance you could allow me to PM RogerMunford from the old forum or give me some details that allows me to make contact?

I have sent Roger an email, to notify him of the thread on the new forums:

I’m afraid we can’t give out his email address or PM him since the old forums have been archived. I will let you know if he responds.