Connecting multiple emonbase units to emoncms

Ok that helps.

EmonTX, by default uses node 15/16 and this can be changed in the firmware by connecting a programmer to the EmonTX or by using the dip switch (which you may have done as you have sites with 2 EmonTXs) - but that is more difficult.

However, only accepts numeric NodeIDs so you have 7 different stations sending to node 15/16 at

The simplest way to fix this is to specify a nodeoffset - this is added to the NodeID sent by the EmonTX.

In the UI on each emonbase, select emonhub an then select edit config (save onec the changes are made)

Under this section

    Type = EmonHubJeeInterfacer

you need to add under runtimesettings

           nodeoffset = 2

An offset of 2 + 15 = 17.

What you then need to do on that emonhub.conf file is modify the node 15 so that it matches the new node 17

So in the emonhub.conf find [[15]] and change it to

    nodename = emontx3cm17

Do that for each. It will mean you need to set up the processing again on each base (if you use the local info), but these new ‘Inputs’ can be linked to the existing Feeds.