Hello @homeontherocks
If you are able to extract the data you need from the equipment that you already have that’s usually a good approach. Are you able to adapt what you have to send data to pvoutput to also send to emoncms?
Can you extract the data from the Tesla Gateway via an API? I know some on here are getting data from Tesla API’s so it might be worth searching around if your not sure. E.g Getting data from my Tesla Powerwall
It sounds like these are near enough to make it possible to use the one emonTx. Is there a convenient point that you can get attach the CT sensors for each unit? I assume you will want to measure flow and return temperature for each unit, so a minimum of 4 temperature sensors. Are there any other temperatures that you wanted to measure? There’s a heat pump monitor guide for the emonTx4 here which may be useful: EmonTx4 Heatpump Monitor — OpenEnergyMonitor 0.0.1 documentation