Auto Login

Is there a way to automatically login to emoncms avoiding the need for username and password?

Hello Glyn, Paul, Robert …

My “dumb” question is related to using dataplicity and their wormhole.

It would be great to login in to a remote emoncms using dataplicity/wormhole.

emoncms login uses port 80 and wormhole uses port 80 and everything locks up.

With auto login to emoncms, it might work?

Or Is it possible to login to emoncms via SSH before I start wormhole?

Or perhaps I’ve just added to my list of dumb questions :grinning:


Hello John, did you see this thread: might be useful?

Trystan …

Yes – I did see that thread and was a contributor/supplicant.

Seems to me that Dataplicity is super easy to install and a great resource for remote emoncms installations.

My sense is the problems are not difficult to resolve – but beyond my skill level.

I’m pushing the Dataplicity tech guys on this problem also but not getting a response.

Not helping to showcase Dataplicity amongst the OeM community seems a lost opportunity both for them and for those OeM users needing to remote.


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Hi John,

You are right, this is a super project. We’re just waiting for our EmonPi to arrive and will keep you updated with our progress.

Elliot (Dataplicity)