I don’t know the specific reasons behind the issues, I’m just aware there have been issues. I just looked up a couple of threads and realised my memory wasn’t 100% regards the version numbers. 1.5.7 is actually the latest stable version from the Debian Buster repos and is ok (with Buster at least), Stretch is 1.4.10 and Jessie is still trailing behind at 1.3.4 so whilst you are still running Jessie I guess you will need to run a mosquitto source rather than debian. The problem versions are from 1.6’ish
I can’t answer why your’s is ok with 1.6.2, nor tell you why others have had less luck. I can only say that the known good versions are 1.4.10 and 1.5.7. 1.4.15 rings a bell but I seem to recall it wasn’t for a good reason and a quick search turned up this Mosquitto issues and Stretch (DietPi) - #8 by borpin.
Without doing some research I can’t even tell you why you have such a short shortlist, (versions available) unless there was good reason to do otherwise, I would try to go for 1.4.10 on Jessie as it is tried and tested. I wish I could be of more help but I’m not sure what to suggest.