10.1.3-beta on shared hosting, where is dashboard?

got this running last night and just tested that data can be send to it

what i did not discover last night was that there is no option (that i can see) to create a dashboard

i used this guide: emoncms/SharedLinuxHostingInstall.md at master · emoncms/emoncms · GitHub

but i used this as upload to the server: GitHub - emoncms/emoncms: Web-app for processing, logging and visualising energy, temperature and other environmental data (i wanted the latest)

have i missed something?


2019-07-12 21:46:48.315|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:48.565|INFO|index.php|admin/getlog
2019-07-12 21:46:48.815|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:49.021|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:49.047|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:49.069|INFO|index.php|admin/getlog
2019-07-12 21:46:49.313|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:49.561|INFO|index.php|admin/getlog
2019-07-12 21:46:49.813|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:50.020|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:50.054|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:50.065|INFO|index.php|admin/getlog
2019-07-12 21:46:50.315|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:50.563|INFO|index.php|admin/getlog
2019-07-12 21:46:50.823|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:51.018|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:51.050|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:51.072|INFO|index.php|admin/getlog
2019-07-12 21:46:51.314|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:51.567|INFO|index.php|admin/getlog
2019-07-12 21:46:51.819|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:52.021|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:52.047|INFO|index.php|admin/emonpi/getupdatelog
2019-07-12 21:46:52.064|INFO|index.php|admin/getlog
2019-07-12 21:56:24.039|ERROR|index.php|Not Admin|admin/view

server info:

Server Information

Server Information



  • Version :- 10.1.3-beta
  • Modules :- Administration | EventProcesses | Feed | Input | CoreProcess | Schedule | Time | User | Visualisation
  • Git :-
    • URL :- - Branch :- - Describe :-


  • OS :- Linux 2.6.32-954.3.5.lve1.4.66.el6.x86_64
  • Host :- linux273.unoeuro.com | linux273.unoeuro.com | (
  • Date :- 2019-07-12 23:35:17 CEST
  • Uptime :- 23:35:17 up 16 days, 18:34, 2 users, load average: 1.59, 1.40, 1.01


  • RAM :- Used: 67.99%
    • Total :- 9.6 GB
    • Used :- 6.53 GB
    • Free :- 3.07 GB
  • Swap :- Used: 0.86%
    • Total :- 2.98 GB
    • Used :- 26.26 MB
    • Free :- 2.95 GB



  • Server :- Apache HTTP/2.0 443


  • Version :- 5.7.26-29-log
  • Host :- localhost:6379 (
  • Date :- 2019-07-12 23:35:17 (UTC 02:00‌​)
  • Stats :- Uptime: 764228 Threads: 27 Questions: 458737776 Slow queries: 702 Opens: 59723245 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 2000 Queries per second avg: 600.262


  • Version :- 7.1.30 (Zend Version 3.1.0)
  • Modules :- bcmath v7.1.30 | bz2 v7.1.30 | calendar v7.1.30 | Core v7.1.30 | ctype v7.1.30 | curl v7.1.30 | date v7.1.30 | dom v20031129 | exif v7.1.30 | fileinfo v1.0.5 | filter v7.1.30 | ftp v7.1.30 | gd v7.1.30 | gettext v7.1.30 | gmp v7.1.30 | hash v1.0 | iconv v7.1.30 | igbinary v3.0.1 | imagick v3.4.4 | imap v7.1.30 | intl v1.1.0 | ionCube Loader v10.3.7 | json v1.5.0 | ldap v7.1.30 | libxml v7.1.30 | litespeed | mbstring v7.1.30 | mcrypt v7.1.30 | memcache v4.0.4 | mysqli v7.1.30 | mysqlnd vmysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $ | openssl v7.1.30 | pcre v7.1.30 | PDO v7.1.30 | pdo_dblib v7.1.30 | pdo_mysql v7.1.30 | pdo_pgsql v7.1.30 | pdo_sqlite v7.1.30 | pgsql v7.1.30 | Phar v2.0.2 | redis v4.3.0 | Reflection v7.1.30 | session v7.1.30 | SimpleXML v7.1.30 | soap v7.1.30 | SPL v7.1.30 | sqlite3 v7.1.30 | standard v7.1.30 | tokenizer v7.1.30 | xml v7.1.30 | xmlreader v7.1.30 | xmlwriter v7.1.30 | xsl v7.1.30 | Zend OPcache v7.1.30 | zip v1.15.4 | zlib v7.1.30
Client Information

Client Information


  • Browser :- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36
  • Language :- en-US,en;q=0.9,da;q=0.8,de;q=0.7,nb;q=0.6


  • Size :- 1903 x 1060


  • Resolution :- 1920 x 1080

when i click update emoncms there is a flash of text, but nothing in the log


Emoncms config without passwords <?php

//1 #### Mysql database settings
$server = “mysql22.unoeuro.com”;
$database = “";
$username = "
$password = “****”;
$port = “3306”;
// Skip database setup test - set to false once database has been setup.
$dbtest = true;

//2 #### Redis
$redis_enabled = false;
$redis_server = array( ‘host’ => ‘localhost’,
‘port’ => 6379,
‘auth’ => ‘’,
‘dbnum’ => ‘’,
‘prefix’ => ‘emoncms’);

//3 #### MQTT
// The ‘subscriber’ topic format is rx/* - where * is the emoncms input node number.
// The ‘publisher’ topic format is user selectable from the ‘Publish to MQTT’ input process, for example power/solar
$mqtt_enabled = false; // Activate MQTT by changing to true
$mqtt_server = array( ‘host’ => ‘localhost’,
‘port’ => 1883,
‘user’ => ‘’,
‘password’ => ‘’,
‘basetopic’=> ‘emon’,
‘client_id’ => ‘emoncms’

//4 #### Engine settings
$feed_settings = array(
// Supported engines. Uncommented engines will not be available for user to create a new feed using it. Existing feeds with a hidden engine still work.
// Place a ‘,’ as the first character on all uncommented engines lines but first.
// If using emoncms in low-write mode, ensure that PHPFIWA is disabled by removing the leading //, from the PHPFIWA entry
//Engine::MYSQL // 0 Mysql traditional
//Engine::MYSQLMEMORY // 8 Mysql with MEMORY tables on RAM. All data is lost on shutdown
//Engine::PHPTIMESERIES // 2
//,Engine::PHPFINA // 5
//,Engine::PHPFIWA // 6
//,Engine::CASSANDRA // 10 Apache Cassandra

    // Redis Low-write mode
        'enabled' => false      // If enabled is true, requires redis enabled and feedwriter service running
        ,'sleep' => 600          // Number of seconds to wait before write buffer to disk - user selectable option

    'csvdownloadlimit_mb' => 25,     // Max csv download size in MB

    // Engines working folder. Default is /var/lib/phpfiwa,phpfina,phptimeseries
    // On windows or shared hosting you will likely need to specify a different data directory--
    // Make sure that emoncms has write permission's to the datadirectory folders
        'datadir' => '/var/www/odense3dprint.dk/emoncmsdata/phpfiwa/'
        'datadir' => '/var/www/odense3dprint.dk/emoncmsdata/phpfina/'
        'datadir' => '/var/www/odense3dprint.dk/emoncmsdata/phptimeseries/'
        'keyspace' => 'emoncms'

// Suggested installation path for symlinked emoncms modules /opt/emoncms/modules
$emoncms_dir = "/opt/emoncms";
// Suggested installation path for emonpi and EmonScripts repository:
$openenergymonitor_dir = "/opt/openenergymonitor";

// Max number of allowed different inputs per user. For limiting garbage rf data
$max_node_id_limit = 32;

//5 #### User Interface settings
// gettext translations are found under each Module’s locale directory
$default_language = ‘en_GB’;

// Theme location (folder located under Theme/, and must have the same structure as the basic one)
$theme = "basic";
// Theme colour options: "standard", "blue", "sun"
$themecolor = "blue";

// Favicon filenme in Theme/$theme
$favicon = "favicon.png";

// Use full screen width
$fullwidth = true;

// Main menu collapses on lower screen widths
$menucollapses = false;

// Enable multi user emoncms.
// If set to false, emoncms will automatically remove the register form and
// ability to create further users after the first user has been created
$enable_multi_user = true;

// Enable remember me feature
$enable_rememberme = true;

// Allow user to reset his password
$enable_password_reset = true;

// Email address to email proccessed input values
$default_emailto = 'root@localhost';

// (OPTIONAL) Email SMTP, used for password reset or other email functions
$smtp_email_settings = array(
  'port'=>"465",  // 25, 465, 587
  'from'=>array('[email protected]' => 'EmonCMS'),
  // comment lines below that dont apply
  'encryption'=>"ssl", // ssl, tls
  'username'=>"[email protected]",

// Default controller and action if none are specified and user is anonymous
$default_controller = "user";
$default_action = "login";

// Default controller and action if none are specified and user is logged in
$default_controller_auth = "feed";
$default_action_auth = "list";

// Public profile functionality
// Allows http://yourdomain.com/[username]/[dash alias] or ?id=[dash id]
// Alternative to http://yourdomain.com/dashboard/view?id=[dash id]
// Add optional '&embed=1' in the end to remove header and footer
$public_profile_enabled = true;
$public_profile_controller = "dashboard";
$public_profile_action = "view";

// Default feed viewer: "vis/auto?feedid=" or "graph/" - requires module https://github.com/emoncms/graph
$feedviewpath = "vis/auto?feedid=";

//6 #### Other settings
// Log file configuration
$log_enabled = true;
$log_location = “/var/www/odense3dprint.dk/emoncmsdata/log”;
// Log Level: 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR
$log_level = 2;

// If installed on Emonpi, allow admin menu tools
$allow_emonpi_admin = false;

// Show update section in admin
$admin_show_update = true;

//experimental feature for virtual feeds average, default is true, set to false to activate average agregation with all data points, will be slower
$data_sampling = false;

// Show all fatal PHP errors
$display_errors = true;

// CSV export options for the number of decimal_places, decimal_place_separator and field_separator
// The thousands separator is not used (specified as "nothing")
// NOTE: don't make $csv_decimal_place_separator == $csv_field_separator
// Adjust as appropriate for your location
// number of decimal places
$csv_decimal_places = 2;

// decimal place separator
$csv_decimal_place_separator = ".";

// field separator
$csv_field_separator = ",";

// set true on docker installations
$allow_config_env_vars = false;

// Dont change - developer updates this when the config format changes
$config_file_version = "10";

// Set to true to run database update without logging in
// URL Example: http://localhost/emoncms/admin/db
$updatelogin = false;

// Applicaton name
$appname = "emoncms";

how inputs look

if i click the gear icon i get


maybe this is one for @TrystanLea or @glyn.hudson ?

ahh i found a post about dashboard has been seperated out and yes i found a repro with it

but what repro’s make up what is on the pi image that i can put on my shared hosting space so i end up with almost the same?

dashboard is one of course, but are there others?

I am not absolutely certain, but I think you need graph and dashboard installed to the Modules folder (i.e. do the git clone from the Modules folder).

yep, thou i have to use FTP as its on shared hosting, could be wrong thou

1 Like

You’re correct.
From the install docs: (GitHub - emoncms/dashboard: dashboard module for emoncms)

$ cd /var/www/emoncms/Modules
$ git clone https://github.com/emoncms/dashboard
$ sudo apt-get update 
$ sudo apt-get install php7.0-mbstring

yep, trying to figure if i can get ssh access, would make updating more easy

A post was split to a new topic: How to use the HeatPump Module

The bit I was not certain about was which modules not where they needed to go!

The dashboard, app and graph modules are all essentials (IMO) and they can be installed to shared hosting by just unpacking the zips to the emoncms/Modules folder and renaming the folders to dashboard, app and graph respectively, when you download zips from github they are usually named in a repo-branch convention so the -branch part needs removing for the module to function.

The wifi and config modules will be of no use on a shared hosting and AFAIK postprocess, backup and sync will not work correctly because of the lack of service-runner.

If it is “shared hosting” it is highly unlikely that you will have SSH access or access to any command line or stuff like git, you might not have access to Redis either which might reduce the feature set available in emoncms input processing.

The admin page may be interesting, most of that development has occurred well after the shared-hosting guide was written and shared hosting hasn’t been a big consideration during the emonSD focused days. Obviously the update features won’t work, I wonder if any of the server info stuff will be restricted/missing?

i posted my server info, but i have nothing to compare it against

but i did manage to get ssh access, i just have had to upload my public ssh key file
that made it very easy to install the modules, i wonder if i can use git clone on emoncms itself to update it? or do i have to upload with FTP ?

and yes, no Redis and MQTT nor NodeRED (so the hoster replied) but i have found a few free MQTT servers, so for that i’m covered.

as i plan to use this to monitor a pool NodeRED will come usefull, but i might just setup a Pi for that then, thou a public nodeRED server could be nice as i would then be free of thinking about if the sd card will be damamged etc etc etc

It’s good you have SSH access and git, I wonder what else you have access to?

The server info you posted has some elements missing as would be expected but there doesn’t appear to be any errors per se.

interestingly, there is a redis extension installed so it’s odd that you don’t have access to redis.

It appears to be php 7.1 which is quite cutting edge compared to the linux OS kernel which is 2.6, ie ancient, that was released in 2003! That’s windoz XP era!

the mbstring extn required for the dashboard is present, as are the OPcache and mcrypt extensions usually installed for emoncms.

i missed that, but yes strange, but i assume that the support staff knows a little of what they are doing
but i can see what requires redis and from a quick look i dont think it will have any negative effects on me, but i could be wrong

but yes ssh is nice, but not sure what else i have access to and how restricted i’m