; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; Editable emoncms settings.ini - EDITABLE!! ; Lewis and Oan Edit 202001211200 ; 1. copy example.settings.ini and rename to settings.ini ; 2. edit entries in settings.ini as required ; 3. copy settings from below into settings.ini as required ; The items in [] are sections. Any new setting must be ; within the right section in the settings.ini file ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; Suggested installation path for symlinked emoncms modules /opt/emoncms/modules emoncms_dir = "/opt/emoncms" ; Suggested installation path for emonpi and EmonScripts repository: openenergymonitor_dir = "/opt/openenergymonitor" ; Show all fatal PHP errors display_errors = true ; Set to true to run database update without logging in ; URL Example: http://localhost/emoncms/admin/db updatelogin = false ; Mysql database settings [sql] server = "localhost" database = "emoncms" username = "emoncms" password = "password" port = 3306 ; Skip database setup test - set to false once database has been setup. dbtest = true ; Redis [redis] enabled = true host = 'localhost' port = 6379 auth = '' dbnum = '' ; Only a prefix of 'emoncms' or '' will be recognised by service-runner prefix = 'emoncms' ; MQTT [mqtt] ; The 'subscriber' topic format is rx/* - where * is the emoncms input node number. ; The 'publisher' topic format is user selectable from the 'Publish to MQTT' input process, for example power/solar ; Activate MQTT by changing to true enabled = false host = 'localhost' port = 1883 user = 'username' password = 'password' basetopic = 'emon' client_id = 'emoncms' ; Input [input] ; Max number of allowed different inputs per user. For limiting garbage rf data max_node_id_limit = 32 ; Feed settings [feed] ; Supported engines. List engines by id to disable feed creation. ; Existing feeds with a hidden engine still work ; If using emoncms in low-write mode, ensure that PHPFIWA is disabled ; MYSQL:0, MYSQLMEMORY:8, PHPTIMESERIES:2, PHPFINA:5, PHPFIWA:6, CASSANDRA:10 engines_hidden = [0,6,10] ; Redis Low-write mode ; If enabled is true, requires redis enabled and feedwriter service running redisbuffer[enabled] = false ; Number of seconds to wait before write buffer to disk - user selectable option redisbuffer[sleep] = 60 ; Engines working folder. Default is /var/lib/phpfiwa,phpfina,phptimeseries ; On windows or shared hosting you will likely need to specify a different data directory-- ; Make sure that emoncms has write permission's to the datadirectory folders ; ;;;phpfiwa[datadir] = '/var/lib/phpfiwa/' phpfina[datadir] = '/var/opt/emoncms/phpfina/' phptimeseries[datadir] = '/var/opt/emoncms/phptimeseries/' cassandra[keyspace] = 'emoncms' ; experimental feature for virtual feeds average, default is true, set to false to activate average agregation with all data points, will be slower virtualfeed[data_sampling] = false mysqltimeseries[data_sampling] = false ; Datapoint limit. Increasing this effects system performance but allows for more data points to be read from one api call max_datapoints = 8928 ; CSV export options for the number of decimal_places, decimal_place_separator ; and field_separator ; The thousands separator is not used (specified as "nothing") ; NOTE: don't make $csv_decimal_place_separator == $csv_field_separator ; Adjust as appropriate for your location ; number of decimal places csv_decimal_places = 2 ; decimal place separator csv_decimal_place_separator = "." ; field separator csv_field_separator = "," ; Max csv download size in MB csv_downloadlimit_mb = 25 ; User Interface settings [interface] ; Applicaton name appname = "emoncms" ; gettext translations are found under each Module's locale directory default_language = 'en_GB' ; Theme location (folder located under Theme/, and must have the same structure as the basic one) theme = "basic" ; Theme colour options: "standard", "blue", "sun" themecolor = "blue" ; Favicon filenme in Theme/$theme favicon = "favicon.png" ; Main menu collapses on lower screen widths menucollapses = false ; Show menu titles show_menu_titles = true ; Default controller and action if none are specified and user is anonymous default_controller = "user" default_action = "login" ; Default controller and action if none are specified and user is logged in default_controller_auth = "feed" default_action_auth = "list" ; Default feed viewer: "vis/auto?feedid=" or "graph/" - requires module https://github.com/emoncms/graph feedviewpath = "graph/" ; Enable multi user emoncms. ; If set to false, emoncms will automatically remove the register form and ; ability to create further users after the first user has been created enable_multi_user = false ; Enable remember me feature enable_rememberme = true ; Allow user to reset password enable_password_reset = false ; If installed on Emonpi, allow admin menu tools enable_admin_ui = false ; Show update section in admin enable_update_ui = true ; Email verification email_verification = false [public_profile] ; Public profile functionality ; Allows http:; yourdomain.com/[username]/[dash alias] or ?id=[dash id] ; Alternative to http:; yourdomain.com/dashboard/view?id=[dash id] ; Add optional '&embed=1' in the end to remove header and footer enabled = true controller = "dashboard" action = "view" ; (OPTIONAL) Email SMTP, used for password reset or other email functions [smtp] ; Email address to email proccessed input values default_emailto = '' host = "" ; 25, 465, 587 port = "" from_email = '' from_name = '' ; comment lines below that dont apply ; ssl, tls encryption = "" username = "" password = "" ; Log file configuration [log] enabled = true ; On windows or shared hosting you will likely need to specify a ; different logfile directory location = '/var/log/emoncms' ; Log Level: 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR level = 2 [device] enable_UDP_broadcast = true [cydynni]