2024-04-14 18:05:41,829 INFO MainThread EmonHub v2.6.5 2024-04-14 18:05:41,829 INFO MainThread Opening hub... 2024-04-14 18:05:41,830 INFO MainThread Running as user: pi 2024-04-14 18:05:41,830 INFO MainThread Logging level set to DEBUG 2024-04-14 18:05:41,830 INFO MainThread Creating EmonHubOEMInterfacer 'EmonPi2' 2024-04-14 18:05:41,831 DEBUG MainThread Opening serial port: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 115200 bits/s 2024-04-14 18:05:41,832 INFO MainThread Creating EmonHubEmoncmsHTTPInterfacer 'emoncmsorg' 2024-04-14 18:05:41,832 DEBUG MainThread Setting emoncmsorg interval: 30 2024-04-14 18:05:41,833 DEBUG MainThread Setting emoncmsorg pubchannels: ['ToRFM12'] 2024-04-14 18:05:41,833 DEBUG MainThread Setting emoncmsorg subchannels: ['ToEmonCMS'] 2024-04-14 18:05:41,833 WARNING MainThread Setting emoncmsorg apikey: obscured 2024-04-14 18:05:41,833 INFO MainThread Setting emoncmsorg url: https://emoncms.org 2024-04-14 18:05:41,833 INFO MainThread Setting emoncmsorg senddata: 1 2024-04-14 18:05:41,834 INFO MainThread Setting emoncmsorg sendstatus: 0 2024-04-14 18:05:41,834 INFO MainThread Setting emoncmsorg sendnames: 1 2024-04-14 18:05:41,834 INFO MainThread Setting emoncmsorg compress: 0 2024-04-14 18:05:41,835 INFO MainThread Creating EmonHubJeeInterfacer 'RFM2Pi' 2024-04-14 18:05:41,835 DEBUG MainThread Opening serial port: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 9600 bits/s 2024-04-14 18:05:41,932 DEBUG EmonPi2 > 0v 2024-04-14 18:05:42,134 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:05:42,235 DEBUG EmonPi2 123 x - Toggle configuration change protection, 1=Unlocked 2024-04-14 18:05:42,337 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:05:42,438 DEBUG EmonPi2 b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:05:42,540 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:05:42,642 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:05:42,743 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:05:42,844 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:05:42,946 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:05:43,046 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:05:43,147 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g0 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:05:43,836 WARNING MainThread Device communication error - check settings 2024-04-14 18:05:43,837 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi baseid: 5 (5i) 2024-04-14 18:05:43,949 DEBUG EmonPi2 > 5i 2024-04-14 18:05:44,837 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi frequency: 433 (4b) 2024-04-14 18:05:44,851 DEBUG EmonPi2 > 4b 2024-04-14 18:05:45,838 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi group: 210 (210g) 2024-04-14 18:05:45,954 DEBUG EmonPi2 > 210g 2024-04-14 18:05:46,839 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi quiet: 1 (1q) 2024-04-14 18:05:46,857 DEBUG EmonPi2 > 1q 2024-04-14 18:05:47,840 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi calibration: 110V (2p) 2024-04-14 18:05:47,959 DEBUG EmonPi2 > 2p 2024-04-14 18:05:48,160 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:05:48,261 DEBUG EmonPi2 123 x - Toggle configuration change protection, 1=Unlocked 2024-04-14 18:05:48,362 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:05:48,463 DEBUG EmonPi2 b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:05:48,565 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:05:48,666 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:05:48,767 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:05:48,840 DEBUG MainThread Setting RFM2Pi pubchannels: ['ToEmonCMS'] 2024-04-14 18:05:48,841 DEBUG MainThread Setting RFM2Pi subchannels: ['ToRFM12'] 2024-04-14 18:05:48,841 INFO MainThread Creating EmonHubMqttInterfacer 'MQTT' 2024-04-14 18:05:48,842 DEBUG MainThread Setting MQTT pubchannels: ['ToRFM12'] 2024-04-14 18:05:48,842 DEBUG MainThread Setting MQTT subchannels: ['ToEmonCMS'] 2024-04-14 18:05:48,842 INFO MainThread Setting MQTT node_format_enable: 1 2024-04-14 18:05:48,842 INFO MainThread Setting MQTT nodevar_format_enable: 1 2024-04-14 18:05:48,843 INFO MainThread Setting MQTT nodevar_format_basetopic: emon/ 2024-04-14 18:05:48,843 DEBUG MainThread Automatic configuration of nodes disabled 2024-04-14 18:05:48,844 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:05:48,869 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:05:48,969 DEBUG EmonPi2 69 i5 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:07:48,671 DEBUG EmonPi2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024-04-14 18:07:48,691 DEBUG EmonPi2 Config format: old 2024-04-14 18:07:48,692 DEBUG EmonPi2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024-04-14 18:07:48,792 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:07:48,893 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:07:48,994 DEBUG EmonPi2 ) 2024-04-14 18:07:48,998 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:07:49,095 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:07:49,099 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:07:49,196 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:07:49,200 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:07:49,297 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:07:49,301 DEBUG RFM2Pi device settings updated: 69 i5 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:07:53,908 DEBUG EmonPi2 36 NEW FRAME : 10 166 9 10 0 5 0 223 27 0 0 2024-04-14 18:07:53,912 DEBUG EmonPi2 36 Timestamp : 1713114473.908481 2024-04-14 18:07:53,913 DEBUG EmonPi2 36 From Node : 10 2024-04-14 18:07:53,913 DEBUG EmonPi2 36 Values : [2470, 10, 5, 71.35000000000001, 0] 2024-04-14 18:07:53,914 DEBUG EmonPi2 36 Sent to channel(start)' : ToEmonCMS 2024-04-14 18:07:53,914 DEBUG EmonPi2 36 Sent to channel(end)' : ToEmonCMS 2024-04-14 18:07:54,085 INFO MQTT Connecting to MQTT Server 2024-04-14 18:07:54,138 DEBUG emoncmsorg Buffer size: 1 2024-04-14 18:07:54,188 INFO MQTT connection status: Connection successful 2024-04-14 18:07:54,188 DEBUG MQTT CONACK => Return code: 0 2024-04-14 18:07:54,290 INFO MQTT on_subscribe 2024-04-14 18:08:24,733 DEBUG RFM2Pi 38 NEW FRAME : 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 2024-04-14 18:08:24,733 DEBUG RFM2Pi 38 Timestamp : 1713114504.733232 2024-04-14 18:08:24,733 DEBUG RFM2Pi 38 From Node : 10 2024-04-14 18:08:24,734 DEBUG RFM2Pi 38 Values : [0, 0, 0, 0.17, 0] 2024-04-14 18:08:24,734 DEBUG RFM2Pi 38 Sent to channel(start)' : ToEmonCMS 2024-04-14 18:08:24,734 DEBUG RFM2Pi 38 Sent to channel(end)' : ToEmonCMS 2024-04-14 18:08:24,933 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/emonTx_1/power1 0 2024-04-14 18:08:24,933 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/emonTx_1/power2 0 2024-04-14 18:08:24,933 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/emonTx_1/power3 0 2024-04-14 18:08:24,934 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/emonTx_1/Vrms 0.17 2024-04-14 18:08:24,934 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/emonTx_1/temp 0 2024-04-14 18:08:24,934 INFO MQTT Publishing 'node' formatted msg 2024-04-14 18:08:24,935 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emonhub/rx/10/values 0,0,0,0.17,0 2024-04-14 18:08:25,088 DEBUG emoncmsorg Buffer size: 1 2024-04-14 18:08:30,164 DEBUG EmonPi2 03 02 1 40000019500 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 2024-04-14 18:08:35,982 DEBUG RFM2Pi 40 NEW FRAME : 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 2024-04-14 18:08:35,982 DEBUG RFM2Pi 40 Timestamp : 1713114515.982247 2024-04-14 18:08:35,983 DEBUG RFM2Pi 40 From Node : 10 2024-04-14 18:08:35,983 DEBUG RFM2Pi 40 Values : [0, 0, 0, 0.14, 0] 2024-04-14 18:08:35,983 DEBUG RFM2Pi 40 Sent to channel(start)' : ToEmonCMS 2024-04-14 18:08:35,983 DEBUG RFM2Pi 40 Sent to channel(end)' : ToEmonCMS 2024-04-14 18:08:36,182 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/emonTx_1/power1 0 2024-04-14 18:08:36,183 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/emonTx_1/power2 0 2024-04-14 18:08:36,183 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/emonTx_1/power3 0 2024-04-14 18:08:36,184 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/emonTx_1/Vrms 0.14 2024-04-14 18:08:36,184 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/emonTx_1/temp 0 2024-04-14 18:08:36,185 INFO MQTT Publishing 'node' formatted msg 2024-04-14 18:08:36,185 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emonhub/rx/10/values 0,0,0,0.14,0 2024-04-14 18:08:55,130 DEBUG emoncmsorg Buffer size: 1 2024-04-14 18:09:15,461 ERROR EmonPi2 device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?) 2024-04-14 18:09:15,563 DEBUG EmonPi2 Opening serial port: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 115200 bits/s 2024-04-14 18:12:39,144 WARNING RFM2Pi Exception caught in RFM2Pi thread. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/openenergymonitor/emonhub/src/emonhub_interfacer.py", line 31, in wrapper return func(*args) ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/opt/openenergymonitor/emonhub/src/emonhub_interfacer.py", line 105, in run rxc = self.read() ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/opt/openenergymonitor/emonhub/src/interfacers/EmonHubJeeInterfacer.py", line 85, in read self._rx_buf = self._rx_buf + self._ser.readline().decode() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/serial/serialposix.py", line 595, in read raise SerialException( serial.serialutil.SerialException: device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?) 2024-04-14 18:12:39,149 WARNING MainThread RFM2Pi thread is dead. 2024-04-14 18:12:39,149 WARNING MainThread Attempting to restart thread RFM2Pi (thread has been restarted 0 times...) 2024-04-14 18:12:39,149 INFO MainThread Setting emoncmsorg senddata: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:39,150 INFO MainThread Setting emoncmsorg sendnames: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:39,150 INFO MainThread Creating EmonHubJeeInterfacer 'RFM2Pi' 2024-04-14 18:12:39,150 DEBUG MainThread Opening serial port: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 9600 bits/s 2024-04-14 18:12:39,639 DEBUG EmonPi2 00000003 2000 2000 4000 0 0v 2024-04-14 18:12:39,840 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:39,941 DEBUG EmonPi2 12 - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:40,043 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:40,144 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:40,245 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:40,346 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:40,447 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:40,548 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:40,649 DEBUG EmonPi2 69 i5 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:40,749 DEBUG EmonPi2 > 0r 2024-04-14 18:12:40,950 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:41,052 DEBUG EmonPi2 123 x - Toggle configuration change protection, 1=Unlocked 2024-04-14 18:12:41,152 INFO MainThread RFM2Pi device firmware version: 2024-04-14 18:12:41,153 INFO MainThread RFM2Pi device current settings: b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:41,153 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi baseid: 5 (5i) 2024-04-14 18:12:41,253 DEBUG EmonPi2 k 2024-04-14 18:12:41,354 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:41,455 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:41,556 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:41,757 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:41,858 DEBUG EmonPi2 123 x - Toggle configuration change protection, 1=Unlocked 2024-04-14 18:12:41,959 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:42,061 DEBUG EmonPi2 b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:42,153 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi frequency: 433 (4b) 2024-04-14 18:12:42,162 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:42,263 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:42,364 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:42,465 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:42,567 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:42,667 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:42,768 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:42,969 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:43,070 DEBUG EmonPi2 123 x - Toggle configuration change protection, 1=Unlocked 2024-04-14 18:12:43,154 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi group: 210 (210g) 2024-04-14 18:12:43,172 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:43,273 DEBUG EmonPi2 b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:43,374 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:43,475 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:43,577 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:43,678 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:43,779 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:43,880 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:43,982 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:44,154 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi quiet: 1 (1q) 2024-04-14 18:12:44,184 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:44,288 DEBUG EmonPi2 123 x - Toggle configuration change protection, 1=Unlocked 2024-04-14 18:12:44,391 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:44,494 DEBUG EmonPi2 b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:44,598 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:44,701 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:44,804 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:44,908 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:45,010 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:45,112 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:45,155 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi calibration: 110V (2p) 2024-04-14 18:12:45,214 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:45,416 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:45,520 DEBUG EmonPi2 123 x - Toggle configuration change protection, 1=Unlocked 2024-04-14 18:12:45,623 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:45,727 DEBUG EmonPi2 b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:45,830 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:45,934 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:46,037 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:46,140 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:46,156 DEBUG MainThread Setting RFM2Pi pubchannels: ['ToEmonCMS'] 2024-04-14 18:12:46,157 DEBUG MainThread Setting RFM2Pi subchannels: ['ToRFM12'] 2024-04-14 18:12:46,160 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:46,242 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:46,262 DEBUG RFM2Pi device settings updated: 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:46,445 DEBUG EmonPi2 123 x - Toggle configuration change protection, 1=Unlocked 2024-04-14 18:12:46,468 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:46,549 DEBUG EmonPi2 b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:46,571 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:46,652 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:46,674 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:46,755 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:46,777 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:46,857 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:46,879 DEBUG RFM2Pi device settings updated: 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:47,061 DEBUG EmonPi2 123 x - Toggle configuration change protection, 1=Unlocked 2024-04-14 18:12:47,084 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:47,164 DEBUG EmonPi2 b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:47,187 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:47,268 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:47,290 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:47,374 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:47,393 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:47,475 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:47,495 DEBUG RFM2Pi device settings updated: 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:47,576 DEBUG EmonPi2 > 0j 2024-04-14 18:12:47,678 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:47,781 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:47,801 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:47,885 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:47,904 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:47,989 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:48,007 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:48,092 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:48,194 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:48,295 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:48,398 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:48,414 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:48,502 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:48,517 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:48,605 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:48,620 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:48,708 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:48,810 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:48,912 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:49,015 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:49,028 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:49,119 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:49,131 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:49,222 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:49,234 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:49,325 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:49,427 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:49,529 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:49,632 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:49,642 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:49,736 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:49,745 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:49,839 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:49,848 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:49,942 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:50,044 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:50,146 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:50,249 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:50,255 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:50,353 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:50,358 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:50,457 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:50,461 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:50,559 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:50,660 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:50,761 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:50,862 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:50,865 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:50,963 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:50,966 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:51,064 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:51,067 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:51,166 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:51,267 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:51,268 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: > 0a 2024-04-14 18:12:51,367 DEBUG EmonPi2 -> 0 b 2024-04-14 18:12:51,368 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: > 0s 2024-04-14 18:12:51,468 DEBUG EmonPi2 > 0h 2024-04-14 18:12:51,670 DEBUG EmonPi2 Aalbecmad: i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:51,671 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:51,772 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:51,872 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:51,873 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:51,973 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:51,974 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:52,074 DEBUG RFM2Pi device settings updated: 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:52,075 DEBUG EmonPi2 -> 0 b 2024-04-14 18:12:52,175 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:52,277 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: 123 x - Toggle configuration change protection, 1=Unlce i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:52,377 DEBUG EmonPi2 okd b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:52,378 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:52,478 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:52,479 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:52,579 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:52,580 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:52,680 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:52,681 DEBUG RFM2Pi device settings updated: 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:52,882 DEBUG EmonPi2 123 x - Toggle configuration change protection, 1=Unlocked 2024-04-14 18:12:52,883 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:52,983 DEBUG EmonPi2 b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:52,984 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:53,084 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:53,085 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:53,186 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:53,187 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:53,287 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:53,288 DEBUG RFM2Pi device settings updated: 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:53,488 DEBUG EmonPi2 123 x - Toggle configuration change protection, 1=Unlocked 2024-04-14 18:12:53,489 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:53,589 DEBUG EmonPi2 b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:53,591 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:53,691 DEBUG EmonPi2 c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:53,692 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:53,792 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:53,793 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:53,893 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:53,894 DEBUG RFM2Pi device settings updated: 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:53,993 DEBUG EmonPi2 > 2z 2024-04-14 18:12:54,094 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:54,196 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:54,197 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:54,298 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:54,398 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:54,402 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:54,500 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:54,600 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:54,701 DEBUG EmonPi2 Available commands: 2024-04-14 18:12:54,802 DEBUG EmonPi2 i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..26) 2024-04-14 18:12:54,805 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:54,904 DEBUG EmonPi2 g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any) 2024-04-14 18:12:54,906 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:55,005 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:55,007 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:55,106 DEBUG EmonPi2 l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:55,207 DEBUG EmonPi2 64 i0 g210 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1 2024-04-14 18:12:55,208 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: > 4b 2024-04-14 18:12:55,308 DEBUG EmonPi2 config failed> 10g 2024-04-14 18:12:55,308 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: config failed> 0q 2024-04-14 18:12:55,408 DEBUG EmonPi2 > 2p 2024-04-14 18:12:55,614 DEBUG EmonPi2 Avilbecmad: i - set node ID (stadr oeisae1.6 b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915) 2024-04-14 18:12:55,717 DEBUG EmonPi2 ,0=ay c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0) 2024-04-14 18:12:55,817 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: nadnd d r .2) g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212 n) ..., a - send data packet to node , with ack 2024-04-14 18:12:55,821 DEBUG EmonPi2 ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack 2024-04-14 18:12:55,921 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: l - turn activity LED on DIG8 on or off 2024-04-14 18:12:55,922 DEBUG EmonPi2 Current configuration: 2024-04-14 18:12:56,023 DEBUG RFM2Pi device settings updated: 64 i0 g10 @ 433 MHz Lock: 1