#!/usr/bin/env python # pylint: disable=line-too-long import time from datetime import datetime import subprocess import sys import redis import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import socket import fcntl import struct import logging import logging.handlers import atexit import os import ConfigParser from select import select from gpiozero import Button # Local files import lcddriver import gsmhuaweistatus # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Script version version = '3.0.1' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read('/usr/share/emonPiLCD/emonPiLCD.cfg') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MQTT Settings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mqtt_user = config.get('mqtt','mqtt_user') mqtt_passwd = config.get('mqtt','mqtt_passwd') mqtt_host = config.get('mqtt','mqtt_host') mqtt_port = config.getint('mqtt','mqtt_port') mqtt_emonpi_topic = config.get('mqtt','mqtt_emonpi_topic') mqtt_feed1_topic = config.get('mqtt','mqtt_feed1_topic') mqtt_feed2_topic = config.get('mqtt','mqtt_feed2_topic') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Redis Settings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ redis_host = config.get('redis', 'redis_host') redis_port = config.get('redis', 'redis_port') r = redis.Redis(host=redis_host, port=redis_port, db=0) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # General Settings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # LCD backlight timeout in seconds 0: always on, 300: off after 5 min backlight_timeout = config.getint('general','backlight_timeout') default_page = config.getint('general','default_page') #Names to be displayed on power reading page feed1_name = config.get('general','feed1_name') feed2_name = config.get('general','feed2_name') feed1_unit = config.get('general','feed1_unit') feed2_unit = config.get('general','feed2_unit') #How often the LCD is updated when a button is not pressed lcd_update_sec = config.getint('general','lcd_update_sec') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Huawei Hi-Link GSM/3G USB dongle IP address on eth1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hilink_device_ip = config.get('huawei', 'hilink_device_ip') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # I2C LCD: each I2C address will be tried in consecutive order until LCD is found # The first address that matches a device on the I2C bus will be used for the I2C LCD # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lcd_i2c = ['27', '3f'] current_lcd_i2c = '' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define display sizes charCount = 20 # set to 16 or 20 chars per line depending on display used lineCount = 4 # set to 2 or 4 lines depending on display used. # Default Startup Page max_number_pages = 11 page = default_page sd_image_version = '' sshConfirm = False shutConfirm = False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Start Logging # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ uselogfile = config.get('general','uselogfile') logger = logging.getLogger("emonPiLCD") #ssh enable/disable/check commands ssh_enable = "systemctl enable ssh > /dev/null" ssh_start = "systemctl start ssh > /dev/null" ssh_disable = "systemctl disable ssh > /dev/null" ssh_stop = "systemctl stop ssh > /dev/null" ssh_status = "systemctl status ssh > /dev/null" def buttonPressLong(): logger.info("Mode button LONG press") if sshConfirm: ret=subprocess.call(ssh_status, shell=True) if ret > 0 : #ssh not running, enable & start it subprocess.call(ssh_enable, shell=True) subprocess.call(ssh_start, shell=True) logger.info("SSH Enabled") lcd[0] = 'SSH Enabled ' lcd[1] = 'Change password!' else: #disable ssh subprocess.call(ssh_disable, shell=True) subprocess.call(ssh_stop, shell=True) logger.info("SSH Disabled") lcd[0] = 'SSH Disabled ' lcd[1] = ' ' elif shutConfirm: logger.info("Shutting down") shutdown() else: lcd.backlight = not lcd.backlight def buttonPress(): global page global lcd global logger now = time.time() if lcd.backlight: page += 1 if page > max_number_pages: page = 0 buttonPress_time = now if not lcd.backlight: lcd.backlight = 1 logger.info("Mode button SHORT press") logger.info("Page: " + str(page)) updateLCD() def updateLCD() : global page global lcd global r global logger global sshConfirm global shutConfirm # Create object for getting IP addresses of interfaces ipaddress = IPAddress() if not page == 9: sshConfirm = False if not page == 11: shutConfirm = False # Now display the appropriate LCD page if page == 0: # Update ethernet eth0ip = ipaddress.get_ip_address('eth0') r.set("eth:active", bool(eth0ip)) r.set("eth:ip", eth0ip) wlan0ip = ipaddress.get_ip_address('wlan0') r.set("wlan:active", bool(wlan0ip)) if eval(r.get("eth:active")): lcd[0] = "Ethernet: YES" lcd[1] = r.get("eth:ip") elif eval(r.get("wlan:active")) or eval(r.get("gsm:active")): page += 1 else: lcd[0] = "Ethernet:" lcd[1] = "NOT CONNECTED" if page == 1: # Update wifi wlan0ip = ipaddress.get_ip_address('wlan0') r.set("wlan:active", bool(wlan0ip)) r.set("wlan:ip", wlan0ip) signallevel = 0 if wlan0ip: # wlan link status with open('/proc/net/wireless', 'r') as f: wireless = f.readlines() signals = [x.split()[3] for x in wireless if x.strip().startswith('wlan0')] if signals: signallevel = signals[0].partition('.')[0] if signallevel.startswith('-'): # Detect the alternate signal strength reporting via dBm signallevel = 2 * ( int(signallevel) + 100 ) # Convert to percent r.set("wlan:signallevel", signallevel) if eval(r.get("wlan:active")): if int(r.get("wlan:signallevel")) > 0: lcd[0] = "WiFi: YES " + r.get("wlan:signallevel") + "%" else: if r.get("wlan:ip") == "": lcd[0] = "WiFi: AP MODE" else: lcd[0] = "WiFi: YES " lcd[1] = r.get("wlan:ip") elif eval(r.get("gsm:active")) or eval(r.get("eth:active")): page += 1 else: lcd[0] = "WiFi:" lcd[1] = "NOT CONNECTED" elif page == 2: # Update Hi-Link 3G Dongle - connects on eth1 if ipaddress.get_ip_address("eth1") and gsmhuaweistatus.is_hilink(hilink_device_ip): gsm_connection_status = gsmhuaweistatus.return_gsm_connection_status(hilink_device_ip) r.set("gsm:connection", gsm_connection_status[0]) r.set("gsm:signal", gsm_connection_status[1]) r.set("gsm:active", 1) else: r.set("gsm:active", 0) if eval(r.get("gsm:active")): lcd[0] = r.get("gsm:connection") lcd[1] = r.get("gsm:signal") elif eval(r.get("eth:active")) or eval(r.get("wlan:active")): page += 1 else: lcd[0] = "GSM:" lcd[1] = "NO DEVICE" elif page == 3: if r.get("feed1") is not None: lcd[0] = feed1_name + ':' + r.get("feed1") + feed1_unit else: lcd[0] = feed1_name + ':' + "---" if r.get("feed2") is not None: lcd[1] = feed2_name + ':' + r.get("feed2") + feed2_unit else: lcd[1] = feed2_name + ':' + "---" elif page == 4: basedata = r.get("basedata") if basedata is not None: basedata = basedata.split(",") lcd[0] = 'VRMS: ' + basedata[3] + "V" lcd[1] = 'Pulse: ' + basedata[10] + "p" else: lcd[0] = 'Connecting...' lcd[1] = 'Please Wait' page +=1 elif page == 5: basedata = r.get("basedata") if basedata is not None: basedata = basedata.split(",") lcd[0] = 'Temp 1: ' + basedata[4] + "C" lcd[1] = 'Temp 2: ' + basedata[5] + "C" else: lcd[0] = 'Connecting...' lcd[1] = 'Please Wait' page +=1 elif page == 6: # Get uptime with open('/proc/uptime', 'r') as f: seconds = float(f.readline().split()[0]) r.set('uptime', seconds) lcd[0] = datetime.now().strftime('%b %d %H:%M') lcd[1] = 'Uptime %.2f days' % (seconds / 86400) elif page == 7: lcd[0] = "emonPi Build:" lcd[1] = sd_image_version elif page == 8: ret=subprocess.call(ssh_status, shell=True) if ret > 0 : #ssh not running lcd[0] = "SSH Enable?" else: #ssh not running lcd[0] = "SSH Disable?" lcd[1] = "Y press & hold" sshConfirm = False elif page == 9: sshConfirm = True elif page == 10: lcd[0] = "Shutdown?" lcd[1] = "Y press & hold" shutConfirm = False elif page == 11: lcd[0] = "Shutdown?" shutConfirm = True # TESTING LINES 3 & 4 lcd[2] = "Page {} line 3".format(page) lcd[3] = "Page {} line 4".format(page) class IPAddress(object): def __init__(self): self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) def get_ip_address(self, ifname): try: return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl( self.sock.fileno(), 0x8915, # SIOCGIFADDR struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15]) )[20:24]) except Exception: return 0 def preShutdown(): lcd[0] = "Shutdown?" lcd[1] = "Hold 5 secs" def shutdown(): global lcd lcd.backlight = 1 lcd[0] = "emonPi Shutdown" lcd[1] = "SHUTDOWN NOW!" time.sleep(2) lcd.lcd_clear() lcd[0] = "Wait 30s..." lcd[1] = "Before Unplug!" time.sleep(4) # backlight zero must be the last call to the LCD to keep the backlight off lcd.backlight = 0 subprocess.call('halt', shell=False) sys.exit(0) # end script class LCD(object): def __init__(self, logger): # Scan I2C bus for LCD I2C addresses as defined in led_i2c, we have a couple of models of LCD which have different adreses that are shipped with emonPi. First I2C device to match address is used. self.logger = logger for i2c_address in lcd_i2c: lcd_status = subprocess.check_output(["/home/pi/emonpi/lcd/emonPiLCD_detect.sh", "%s" % i2c_address]) if lcd_status.rstrip() == 'True': print "I2C LCD DETECTED Ox%s" % i2c_address logger.info("I2C LCD DETECTED 0x%s" % i2c_address) current_lcd_i2c = "0x%s" % i2c_address # add file to identify device as emonpi open('/home/pi/data/emonpi', 'a').close() break if lcd_status.rstrip() == 'False': print ("I2C LCD NOT DETECTED on either 0x" + str(lcd_i2c) + " ...exiting LCD script") logger.error("I2C LCD NOT DETECTED on either 0x" + str(lcd_i2c) + " ...exiting LCD script") # add file to identify device as emonbase open('/home/pi/data/emonbase', 'a').close() sys.exit(1) # Init LCD using detected I2C address. self.lcd = lcddriver.lcd(int(current_lcd_i2c, charCount)) self._display = [""]*lineCount def __setitem__(self, line, string): if not 0 <= line <= 1: raise IndexError("line number out of range") # Format string to exactly the width of LCD. string = '{0!s:<{1}.{1}}'.format(string, charCount) if string != self._display[line]: self._display[line] = string self.logger.debug("LCD line {0}: {1}".format(line, string)) self.lcd.lcd_display_string(string, line + 1) @property def backlight(self): return self.lcd.backlight @backlight.setter def backlight(self, state): if not 0 <= state <= 1: raise IndexError("backlight state out of range") self.logger.debug("LCD backlight: " + repr(state)) self.lcd.backlight = state def lcd_clear(self): self.lcd.lcd_clear() def main(): global page global sd_image_version global r # Initialise some redis variables r.set("gsm:active", 0) r.set("wlan:active", 0) r.set("eth:active", 0) # First set up logging atexit.register(logging.shutdown) if not uselogfile: loghandler = logging.StreamHandler() else: logfile = "/var/log/emonpilcd/emonpilcd.log" print "emonPiLCD logging to: "+logfile loghandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logfile, mode='a', maxBytes=1000 * 1024, backupCount=1, ) loghandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(loghandler) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.info("Starting emonPiLCD V" + version) # Now check the LCD and initialise the object global lcd lcd = LCD(logger) lcd.backlight = 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Discover & display emonPi SD card image version # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sd_card_image = subprocess.call("ls /boot | grep emonSD", shell=True) if not sd_card_image: # if emonSD file exists sd_image_version = subprocess.check_output("ls /boot | grep emonSD", shell=True) else: sd_card_image = subprocess.call("ls /boot | grep emonpi", shell=True) if not sd_card_image: sd_image_version = subprocess.check_output("ls /boot | grep emonpi", shell=True) else: sd_image_version = "N/A " sd_image_version = sd_image_version.rstrip() lcd[0] = "emonPi Build:" lcd[1] = sd_image_version logger.info("SD card image build version: " + sd_image_version) # Set up the buttons and install handlers # emonPi LCD push button Pin 16 GPIO 23 # Uses gpiozero library to handle short and long press https://gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api_input.html?highlight=button # push_btn = Button(23, pull_up=False, hold_time=5, bounce_time=0.1) # No bounce time increases responce time but may result in switch bouncing... logger.info("Attaching push button interrupt...") try: push_btn = Button(23, pull_up=False, hold_time=5) push_btn.when_pressed = buttonPress push_btn.when_held = buttonPressLong except: logger.error("Failed to attach LCD push button interrupt...") logger.info("Attaching shutdown button interrupt...") try: shut_btn = Button(17, pull_up=False, hold_time=5) shut_btn.when_pressed = preShutdown shut_btn.when_held = shutdown except: logger.error("Failed to attach shutdown button interrupt...") logger.info("Connecting to redis server...") # We wait here until redis has successfully started up while True: try: r.client_list() break except redis.ConnectionError: logger.error("waiting for redis-server to start...") time.sleep(1.0) logger.info("Connected to redis") logger.info("Connecting to MQTT Server: " + mqtt_host + " on port: " + str(mqtt_port) + " with user: " + mqtt_user) def on_message(client, userdata, msg): topic_parts = msg.topic.split("/") if mqtt_feed1_topic in msg.topic: r.set("feed1" , msg.payload) if mqtt_feed2_topic in msg.topic: r.set("feed2" , msg.payload) if mqtt_emonpi_topic in msg.topic: r.set("basedata", msg.payload) def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): if (rc==0): mqttc.subscribe(mqtt_emonpi_topic) mqttc.subscribe(mqtt_feed1_topic) mqttc.subscribe(mqtt_feed2_topic) mqttc = mqtt.Client() mqttc.on_message = on_message mqttc.on_connect = on_connect try: mqttc.username_pw_set(mqtt_user, mqtt_passwd) mqttc.reconnect_delay_set(min_delay=1, max_delay=120) mqttc.connect_async(mqtt_host, mqtt_port, 60) # Run MQTT background thread which handles reconnects mqttc.loop_start() except Exception: logger.error("Could not connect to MQTT") else: logger.info("Connected to MQTT") # time to show Build version time.sleep(2) buttonPress_time = time.time() if not backlight_timeout: lcd.backlight = 1 page = default_page # Enter main loop while True: # turn backight off after backlight_timeout seconds now = time.time() if (backlight_timeout) and now - buttonPress_time > backlight_timeout and lcd.backlight: lcd.backlight = 0 #Update LCD in case it is left at a screen where values can change (e.g uptime etc) updateLCD() ; time.sleep(lcd_update_sec) if __name__ == '__main__': main()