Starting emonPi Update > via Service Runner update script V1.1.0 EUID: 1000 Argument: Mon Jun 18 16:14:42 CDT 2018 ############################################################# emonSD version: emonSD-07Nov16 emonSD base image check passed...continue update ############################################################# I2C LCD DETECTED Ox27 Filesystem is unlocked - Write access type ' rpi-ro ' to lock git pull /home/pi/emonpi rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2_BOM.ods’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2_GERBERS/emonPi2C_V1.2.GTO’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2_GERBERS/emonPi2C_V1.2.TXT’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2_GERBERS/emonPi2C_V1.2.GBS’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2_GERBERS/emonPi2C_V1.2.GTL’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2_GERBERS/emonPi2C_V1.2.gpi’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2_GERBERS/emonPi2C_V1.2.GBO’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2_GERBERS/emonPi2C_V1.2.dri’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2_GERBERS/emonPi2C_V1.2.GTS’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2_GERBERS/emonPi2C_V1.2.GBL’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2_GERBERS/emonPi2C_V1.2.GTP’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2.brd’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.2/emonPi2C_V1.2.sch’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.1/’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.1/emonPi2C_V1.1.sch’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.1/’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_V1.1/emonPi2C_V1.1.brd’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_dev/emonpi2c.sch’: Permission denied rm: cannot remove ‘hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/emonpi2c_dev/emonpi2c.brd’: Permission denied * master wifiap On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) hardware/emonpi/emonpi2c/ nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) From d8baa47..86dddbe master -> origin/master * [new branch] raspi-3b+-network-check -> origin/raspi-3b+-network-check Updating d8baa47..86dddbe Fast-forward emoncms-setup/ | 19 +++++++++++++++++++ emoncms-setup/setup_controller.php | 8 ++++---- emoncms-setup/setup_model.php | 4 ++-- wifiAP/ | 17 +++++++++-------- wifiAP/ | 10 +++++----- 5 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) create mode 100644 emoncms-setup/ git pull /home/pi/RFM2Pi * master On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean Already up-to-date. git pull /home/pi/emonhub K0den-wibeee_interface * emon-pi hmm01i-syslogging On branch emon-pi Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/emon-pi'. nothing to commit, working directory clean Already up-to-date. git pull /home/pi/oem_openHab * master On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean Already up-to-date. git pull /home/pi/usefulscripts * master On branch master Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 7 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge: Please move or remove them before you can merge. Aborting Updating 6cf8e48..8fd9f5d git pull /home/pi/huawei-hilink-status * master On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied Start emonPi Atmega328 firmware update: ================================= EmonPi update started ================================= EUID: 1000 Requirement already up-to-date: paho-mqtt in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages You are using pip version 8.1.2, however version 10.0.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. Stopping OpenEnergyMonitor emonHub: emonhub has been stopped ok. Start ATmega328 serial upload using avrdude with latest.hex Discrete Sampling avrdude -c arduino -p ATMEGA328P -P /dev/ttyAMA0 -b 115200 -U flash:w:/home/pi/emonpi/firmware/compiled/latest.hex avrdude-original: Using autoreset DTR on GPIO Pin 7 avrdude-original: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.00s avrdude-original: Device signature = 0x1e950f avrdude-original: NOTE: "flash" memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed To disable this feature, specify the -D option. avrdude-original: erasing chip avrdude-original: reading input file "/home/pi/emonpi/firmware/compiled/latest.hex" avrdude-original: input file /home/pi/emonpi/firmware/compiled/latest.hex auto detected as Intel Hex avrdude-original: writing flash (17886 bytes): Writing | ################################################## | 100% 2.53s avrdude-original: 17886 bytes of flash written avrdude-original: verifying flash memory against /home/pi/emonpi/firmware/compiled/latest.hex: avrdude-original: load data flash data from input file /home/pi/emonpi/firmware/compiled/latest.hex: avrdude-original: input file /home/pi/emonpi/firmware/compiled/latest.hex auto detected as Intel Hex avrdude-original: input file /home/pi/emonpi/firmware/compiled/latest.hex contains 17886 bytes avrdude-original: reading on-chip flash data: Reading | ################################################## | 100% 1.92s avrdude-original: verifying ... avrdude-original: 17886 bytes of flash verified strace: |autoreset: Broken pipe strace: |autoreset: Broken pipe strace: |autoreset: Broken pipe strace: |autoreset: Broken pipe strace: |autoreset: Broken pipe avrdude-original done. Thank you. strace: |autoreset: Broken pipe Starting OpenEnergyMonitor emonHub: emonhub has been started ok. node-red-project@0.0.1 /home/pi/data/node-red └── node-red-contrib-emonpixel@0.0.1 invalid (git+ npm WARN node-red-project@0.0.1 No repository field. npm WARN node-red-project@0.0.1 No license field. npm WARN locking Error: EROFS: read-only file system, open '/home/pi/.npm/_locks/staging-7d77bbc0f343d3aa.lock' npm WARN locking at Error (native) npm WARN locking /home/pi/.npm/_locks/staging-7d77bbc0f343d3aa.lock failed { Error: EROFS: read-only file system, open '/home/pi/.npm/_locks/staging-7d77bbc0f343d3aa.lock' npm WARN locking at Error (native) npm WARN locking errno: -30, npm WARN locking code: 'EROFS', npm WARN locking syscall: 'open', npm WARN locking path: '/home/pi/.npm/_locks/staging-7d77bbc0f343d3aa.lock' } node-red-project@0.0.1 /home/pi/data/node-red └── node-red-node-emoncms@0.2.1 npm WARN node-red-project@0.0.1 No repository field. npm WARN node-red-project@0.0.1 No license field. npm ERR! Linux 4.9.35-v7+ npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "node-red-node-emoncms" npm ERR! node v6.14.2 npm ERR! npm v3.10.10 npm ERR! path /home/pi/.npm/_locks/staging-7d77bbc0f343d3aa.lock npm ERR! code EROFS npm ERR! errno -30 npm ERR! syscall open npm ERR! rofs EROFS: read-only file system, open '/home/pi/.npm/_locks/staging-7d77bbc0f343d3aa.lock' npm ERR! rofs This is most likely not a problem with npm itself npm ERR! rofs and is related to the file system being read-only. npm ERR! rofs npm ERR! rofs Often virtualized file systems, or other file systems npm ERR! rofs that don't support symlinks, give this error. npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! /home/pi/data/node-red/npm-debug.log Start emonhub update script: ================================= EmonPi update started ================================= Running emonhub automatic node addition script EUID: 1000 EUID: 1000 [[5]] Node 5 already present [[6]] Node 6 already present [[7]] Node 7 already present [[8]] Node 8 already present [[9]] Node 9 already present [[10]] Node 10 already present [[11]] Node 11 already present [[12]] Node 12 already present [[13]] Node 13 already present [[14]] Node 14 already present [[19]] Node 19 already present [[20]] Node 20 already present [[21]] Node 21 already present [[22]] Node 22 already present [[23]] Node 23 already present [[24]] Node 24 already present [[25]] Node 25 already present [[26]] Node 26 already present Start emoncms update: ================================= Emoncms update started Emoncms update script V1.2.0 Mon Jun 18 16:17:18 CDT 2018 ############################################################# emonSD version: emonSD-07Nov16 emonSD base image check pass...continue update ############################################################# EUID: 1000 Checking cron tab for service runner entry... /home/pi/emonpi/emoncmsupdate: line 59: mycron: Read-only file system grep: mycron: No such file or directory Add service runner cron entry /home/pi/emonpi/emoncmsupdate: line 63: mycron: Read-only file system mycron: No such file or directory rm: cannot remove ‘mycron’: No such file or directory /home/pi/emonpi/emoncmsupdate: line 71: mycron: Read-only file system grep: mycron: No such file or directory rm: cannot remove ‘mycron’: No such file or directory usermod: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later. current settings.php md5: f9fa74b4e54adb7d760e875e0764955e Default settings.php md5: f9fa74b4e54adb7d760e875e0764955e git pull /var/www/emoncms dev-mosquitto-php master * stable symlinked_modules On branch stable Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'. nothing to commit, working directory clean error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Read-only file system NEW default settings.php md5: f9fa74b4e54adb7d760e875e0764955e settings.php has NOT been user modifed settings.php not updated git pull /var/www/emoncms/Modules/app 9.0 * stable On branch stable Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'. nothing to commit, working directory clean error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Read-only file system fatal: Unable to create '/var/www/emoncms/Modules/app/.git/index.lock': Read-only file system git pull /var/www/emoncms/Modules/config 9.0 * stable On branch stable Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'. nothing to commit, working directory clean error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Read-only file system fatal: Unable to create '/var/www/emoncms/Modules/config/.git/index.lock': Read-only file system git pull /var/www/emoncms/Modules/wifi 9.0 * stable On branch stable Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'. nothing to commit, working directory clean error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Read-only file system fatal: Unable to create '/var/www/emoncms/Modules/wifi/.git/index.lock': Read-only file system git pull /var/www/emoncms/Modules/dashboard On branch stable Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'. nothing to commit, working directory clean error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Read-only file system fatal: Unable to create '/var/www/emoncms/Modules/dashboard/.git/index.lock': Read-only file system git pull /var/www/emoncms/Modules/graph master * stable On branch stable Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'. nothing to commit, working directory clean error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Read-only file system fatal: Unable to create '/var/www/emoncms/Modules/graph/.git/index.lock': Read-only file system git pull /home/pi/postprocess chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/HEAD’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/HEAD’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/refs’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/refs/remotes’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/refs/remotes/origin’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/refs/remotes/origin/emonpi’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/refs/remotes/origin/master’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/refs/remotes/origin/emoncmsorg’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/refs/heads’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/refs/heads/emonpi’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/refs/heads/master’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/refs/heads/origin’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/logs/refs/heads/origin/emonpi’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/FETCH_HEAD’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/index’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/hooks’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/hooks/update.sample’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/hooks/pre-push.sample’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/hooks/post-update.sample’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/packed-refs’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/ORIG_HEAD’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/config’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/a6’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/a6/0e2c600c8f4619197fd56130411cff81239665’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/60’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/60/7921f8894b40684570bbcfe808e92ff1742acb’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/7b’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/7b/7d4b2dc456be857cc9ac35ca019f04ad931135’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/7b/632a265348d798d6e54e7a4c8a1eb6bd2e1537’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/c4’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/c4/7d0c54b47a026d811763d8af6d66e496fc54da’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/c4/c3a22bdd5f290323e927078230d136910c5504’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/3a’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/3a/62381cfc02977186a8bd1e63348568856e0d52’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/78’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/78/fb75bf0f450eaa7079c7aade5fff3d4dfff92c’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/1d’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/1d/26f828183a7759bb233cde178821e59476528f’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/51’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/51/a05d8e26138a123dc9fbf90891916f63d6f838’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/51/d758bf9d182688415f3dae6c194a64be613b3c’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/02’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/02/1b34c3a90273cc3197a981f5c1fa7b66589464’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/8e’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/8e/8a51115a000c74c0eb49550e3431bb97219f8e’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/5f’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/5f/b8ebe0770d68cfe5405bcc3f233b3f015fcb3a’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/5f/dd5b9d8ecb2e0927d7919ffc292c1da45653d8’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/ff’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/ff/627914f08eb3b722b9d590cc5ba968911e5c7a’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/75’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/75/806e2a4858256bc0a3c2ac67073e32a4a085a2’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/4a’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/4a/a6d64b4ad10f89042ba2726889a647ee60611b’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/4a/93d36c90fe6fca051870d95a26b82916d01d35’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/58’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/58/2929b33482036f6555c5d9d46d8644af202155’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/01’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/01/014f9f4e9f5689fe396deef0346b738ffb1f50’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/01/b63a28923c4b63e059a89c93c2e9e443172d60’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/01/9b7416949335b38e9ae70f74d81cadbcf92de7’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/08’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/08/667c0b060733d033d68021ae5252a2d5670ce8’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/97’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/97/a4138ae4cb4728f1a289df1efd3b5824a92d47’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/97/83af7b222877bb3974ebfae9209a4fb55057d8’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/4d’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/4d/f6dd125c269153664adda8a8f4580f2925e9e1’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/80’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/80/7f9d846178677d47b60f01e1da34c09d4848a7’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/4c’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/4c/f3003f11190c69852b958358a5c9683a60dd60’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/4c/7cdcfecd09da8f98ac4021dc403dab9adb6466’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/8a’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/8a/35429cdef5513dfb74a6b42a02b1850615ea61’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/8a/bc562825c532c27d0d5fa76533769ebb5a9572’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/42’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/42/b99b8b55c69e1fb5a1d2731bb92be3cfb57881’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/42/22224c6e1a96337365c89ea3a8d0d81356e9e9’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/3b’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/3b/f562959344e48bac6d60a9b2209a5b45faca59’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/0f’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/0f/2b92d6d1aa367506b24e39c46c2fdc9531d4e9’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/0f/36fef4ac513331768bfde579404f152f791b2d’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/d2’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/d2/c1eb0eab8e3ec29211dd610e48256198bc7621’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/40’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/40/b6fec59fcdb329bef29761b2b12d3ed13261d4’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/40/469d47512d9ddbabcb0471e49a585065bb2383’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/40/c6ca44592ba08cf5b748230af7637506b823cb’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/3c’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/3c/7abee161be6dff773a084004d9ad4dc4cb9d73’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/6b’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/6b/84a0128653735f6d058b812e80a3c85e62ae17’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/41’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/41/2df159e2ded2474cc41eac9805d4d70905d60b’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/76’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/76/b61755351a3ec19a2b4750ec68e4b84def6d76’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/de’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/de/e468eb8aa7af5b28861de01fc182c5ec462058’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/7e’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/7e/17b03ee5fb5964950f2f1c1b808672a794b47f’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/03’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/03/176d6a7075b67f6654a1e55fc2389f1d577fca’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/a4’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/a4/a0c894d097c4df6e5333630ef59e706bd79076’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/65’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/65/269480b4ab8bfaf30dfb224ebfb65d3090ae62’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/67’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/67/9b7a989f72b4856721cffa68b29ddf8a5d9ce0’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/a0’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/a0/05667c59593ec84ab94b60f6c0a168f84d84f8’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/b4’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/b4/2c81650fae8246e35700589d3abf1768783ced’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/a2’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/a2/8208b353f092a7d73f96b9b5b28ed1eedc6173’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/e6’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/e6/4100d1fa73af99be467b3dad89164d597273b8’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/e6/0fc8980ead74898a2bc1d247cfa7e23f6e0b09’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/53’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/53/a8c4d29b729f738d92e50343950b972a526945’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/84’: 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‘.git/objects/f1/8ac7bc0dcd1b9c621d4dee8491b54a34148ffd’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/25’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/25/37331c531406b8d12ecb720ec4493859fc2107’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/25/aa7b0b059c462244b45c809e982e2471aa4c4e’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/a7’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/a7/d455be66400170e9a35f1906207de5022cdea5’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/info’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/d4’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/d4/9e959af6ec6a8a6e791a23e48c460d7e4a3f48’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/d4/a624f2fa0558d163dead2eb8e6fcce02fcfb9d’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/6d’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/6d/7ee165ab725d442398f78efb0d19ea66026e79’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/6d/dd3442f9939f31b72a5316a74890fa6d3dd3ad’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/f3’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/f3/8769b0ed3e92aa2e06d5a2379607c02dee0d53’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/62’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/62/f51c7df5fd942efbf42cf33697c955324eb985’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/62/8410ed0455c4281e9f6c1381dbaba0e5f06f87’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/74’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/74/83604edb83fb4db9c6def3cd439c4e1f081727’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/objects/74/2b42497a5cb32e1ec7a368a217030201845228’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/description’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs/remotes’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs/remotes/origin’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs/remotes/origin/emonpi’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs/remotes/origin/master’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs/remotes/origin/emoncmsorg’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs/tags’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs/heads’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs/heads/emonpi’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs/heads/master’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs/heads/origin’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/refs/heads/origin/emonpi’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/branches’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/info’: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of ‘.git/info/exclude’: Read-only file system fatal: Unable to create '/home/pi/postprocess/.git/index.lock': Read-only file system error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Read-only file system ln: cannot remove ‘/var/www/emoncms/Modules/postprocess/postprocess-module’: Read-only file system git pull /home/pi/sync fatal: Unable to create '/home/pi/sync/.git/index.lock': Read-only file system error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Read-only file system ln: cannot remove ‘/var/www/emoncms/Modules/sync/sync-module’: Read-only file system git pull /home/pi/backup master * stable On branch stable Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'. nothing to commit, working directory clean error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Read-only file system fatal: Unable to create '/home/pi/backup/.git/index.lock': Read-only file system update mqtt_input systemd unit file cp: cannot create regular file ‘/etc/systemd/system/mqtt_input.service’: Read-only file system Update Emoncms database [] Restarting Services... Restarting OpenEnergyMonitor emonHub: emonhub has been restarted ok. Log is turned off Restarting feedwriter Restarting openhab (via systemctl): openhab.service. set log rotate config owner to root chown: changing ownership of ‘/etc/logrotate.conf’: Read-only file system Restarting Services... Starting emonPi LCD service.. Filesystem is locked - Read Only access type ' rpi-rw ' to unlock Mon Jun 18 16:18:02 CDT 2018 ................... emonPi update done restarting service-runner\n