WVC inverter MQTT Data logging for all versions of inverters

Hi @stephen, first of all, excellent work on the reverse engineering, I found your work while attempting the same a couple years back, I used it as a base for a Node-Red implementation

right now I’m working on integrating everything I can with Home Assistant

I made an ESPHome component for the WVC inverters

is a work in progress, right now it works with only one inverter, I’m having problems with the scheduling for the serial write and read for more than one device, add to that, the documentation for esphome developing is not great and I haven done coding in over 12 years

it should work with any ESP board currently supported by esphome

please let me know if you find any problem with me putting it in github, specially with the licensing, as I said I haven’t done serious codding in a long time and first time publishing in github

kudos to everyone that have contributed to this topic over the years, all of your comments, testing and finding were a great help

I have one R2 1200 and one R3 1600 inverters

feel free - glad it was useful to you .

just something I did during the winter when i was bored. glad for the mention … have not looked at that in years --now I am doing more AI and home automation on micro SoC ( <20watts or much less currently at 6W is my lowest whole house AI on a N100 system. next week I start trying RISC-V64 and RK5688 boards with 6 tops and down into the 2watt range both have 8 core and 16gb. and waiting for the release of the another Riscv SoC board that suppose to have 20 tsops , 16 core and 64gb of gpu & board memory I think that would be a beast. for very low power high privacy whole house AI automation systems.

i looked at your github surprised you say it only works with the R2 WVC1200. it should work with WVC295, WVC300, WVC350, WVC600, WVC850 and the WVC1200. for the r2 inverter it uses a look up table that I extracted from the R2 WVC software. so i think it should be correct values

yes, only wvc1200 supported at the moment, as inputs it takes HW type (R2, R3) and serial number, next step is make model and SN as an input and use SN to define HW type

documentation for esphome is almost non existent, looking for ways to translate the lookup table to an array (possible memory hungry) or some JSON library for esphome