Update on Ubuntu fails

Continuing the discussion from New emoncms settings format - help testing needed:

@TrystanLea, trying to update my Emonscripts ubuntu installation but it fails. As I don’t know what is being called when (the log doesn’t say what is being called, I can’t easily debug it.

Can you confirm the process the ‘update’ takes please?

Starting update via service-runner-update.sh (v3.0) >
- Could not find emonSD version file
git pull /opt/openenergymonitor/EmonScripts
* master
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
From https://github.com/openenergymonitor/EmonScripts
   b804e32..b255689  master     -> origin/master
Updating b804e32..b255689
 defaults/emoncms/emonpi.settings.ini | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 install/emoncms_core.sh              | 14 +++++++-------
 2 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 defaults/emoncms/emonpi.settings.ini
Main Update Script
Date: Wed Sep 25 17:50:59 UTC 2019
openenergymonitor_dir: /opt/openenergymonitor
type: emoncms
firmware: emonpi
update running as root, switch to user

Im not sure that it has failed, there’s an old bak file that’s causing that notice but it may not be getting in the way. It should be safe to delete config.ini.bak

I’ve been digging and I think the issue is that service-runner is running as root (user=).

The error is raised here and the script exits…

Running with no user specified in the service-runner service file

Sep 23 07:42:12 ubunt-emon service-runner[11259]: COMPLETE: /opt/emoncms/modules/backup/emoncms-export.sh /tmp/emoncms-flag-export > /var/log/emoncms/exportbackup.log 2>&1
Sep 25 17:50:57 ubunt-emon service-runner[11259]: Got flag: /opt/openenergymonitor/EmonScripts/update/service-runner-update.sh emoncms emonpi>/var/log/emoncms/emonpiupdate.log
Sep 25 17:50:57 ubunt-emon service-runner[11259]: STARTING: /opt/openenergymonitor/EmonScripts/update/service-runner-update.sh emoncms emonpi > /var/log/emoncms/emonpiupdate.log 2>&1
Sep 25 17:50:59 ubunt-emon service-runner[11259]: COMPLETE: /opt/openenergymonitor/EmonScripts/update/service-runner-update.sh emoncms emonpi > /var/log/emoncms/emonpiupdate.log 2>&1

Changed the user to the normal user account…

Sep 25 18:09:44 ubunt-emon service-runner[25722]: Starting service-runner
Sep 25 18:09:45 ubunt-emon service-runner[25722]: Connected to redis-server
Sep 25 18:09:58 ubunt-emon service-runner[25722]: Got flag: /opt/openenergymonitor/EmonScripts/update/service-runner-update.sh emoncms emonpi>/var/log/emoncms/emonpiupdate.log
Sep 25 18:09:58 ubunt-emon service-runner[25722]: STARTING: /opt/openenergymonitor/EmonScripts/update/service-runner-update.sh emoncms emonpi > /var/log/emoncms/emonpiupdate.log 2>&1
Sep 25 18:09:58 ubunt-emon service-runner[25722]: /bin/sh: 1: cannot create /var/log/emoncms/emonpiupdate.log: Permission denied
Sep 25 18:09:58 ubunt-emon service-runner[25722]: COMPLETE: /opt/openenergymonitor/EmonScripts/update/service-runner-update.sh emoncms emonpi > /var/log/emoncms/emonpiupdate.log 2>&1
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Thanks @borpin Isn’t service runner running as a non root user e.g: pi?

In the first case (above) it was running as root (no user specified) as per the documentation. I think I suggested this for my DietPi install.

In the second case, it was running as a non root user who is a member of sudo (need to install that on Ubuntu) - Getting confused with a Debian install I tried.

1 Like

When you used EmonScripts on Ubuntu did you create a non root user and configure to use that user? or did you run it all under root?

Ah, I’m getting confused with a Debian install I tried, that needed sudo installed.

No on Ubuntu I ran it as per instructions - not as sudo.

Ok, but you still got the above issue with the update?

Yes I have - I have a theory but I’ve not got time tonight to play and I’m away for a few days.

The folder /var/log/emoncms/ is root:root. This might be because of me running all the services as root. I’ll have to reinstall and see.

If the service install script could automatically create a drop-in that creates the user as set in the script, that might just solve it all! - It might not of course!

The other approach is to create an emon user as discussed elsewhere so the services always run as that. Would solve some of the multi platform issues, but might introduce others :grin:.