Posting into EmonCMS via NodeRED

I have a python script that scrapes data from my inverters and passes it to emoncms within NodeRED, for some reason I cant get it to work. The interface is the “output to emoncms” node that’s within NodeRED.
Can somebody check that I’ve got the string correct as I’m getting 2017-08-09 18:25:43.407|ERROR|input_controller.php|Format error: csv value is not numeric in the logs

1 Serial: 404000128572, 1 Power: 2, 1 Freq: 50.0, 1 Temp: 15, 2 Serial: 404000128572, 2 Power: 1, 2 Freq: 50.0, 2 Temp: 15, 3 Serial: 404000128462, 3 Power: 2, 3 Freq: 50.0, 3 Temp: 14, 4 Serial: 404000128462, 4 Power: 2, 4 Freq: 50.0, 4 Temp: 14, 5 Serial: 404000128304, 5 Power: 2, 5 Freq: 50.0, 5 Temp: 14, 6 Serial: 404000128304, 6 Power: 1, 6 Freq: 50.0, 6 Temp: 14, 7 Serial: 404000128436, 7 Power: 2, 7 Freq: 50.0, 7 Temp: 15, 8 Serial: 404000128436, 8 Power: 2, 8 Freq: 50.0, 8 Temp: 15, 9 Serial: 404000128356, 9 Power: 1, 9 Freq: 50.0, 9 Temp: 15, 10 Serial: 404000128356, 10 Power: 1, 10 Freq: 50.0, 10 Temp: 15,

I believe the format should be??
Title: Value, Title2: Value2,


I’ve tested your payload in my build and it works, if you remove the last comma.

Hi @cab123
For the life of me I cant seem to get this working.
The data I’m passing over is
1 Serial: 404000128572, 1 Power: 83, 1 Freq: 50.0, 1 Temp: 22, 2 Serial: 404000128572, 2 Power: 83, 2 Freq: 50.0, 2 Temp: 22, 3 Serial: 404000128462, 3 Power: 84, 3 Freq: 50.0, 3 Temp: 22, 4 Serial: 404000128462, 4 Power: 84, 4 Freq: 50.0, 4 Temp: 22, 5 Serial: 404000128304, 5 Power: 81, 5 Freq: 50.1, 5 Temp: 22, 6 Serial: 404000128304, 6 Power: 83, 6 Freq: 50.1, 6 Temp: 22, 7 Serial: 404000128436, 7 Power: 74, 7 Freq: 50.1, 7 Temp: 24, 8 Serial: 404000128436, 8 Power: 81, 8 Freq: 50.1, 8 Temp: 24, 9 Serial: 404000128356, 9 Power: 49, 9 Freq: 50.1, 9 Temp: 22, 10 Serial: 404000128356, 10 Power: 68, 10 Freq: 50.1, 10 Temp: 22

And the NodeRED flow I’m using is
[{"id":"842d890f.a37508","type":"inject","z":"a5ce04b2.5a31f8","name":"1 Min Tick","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"60","crontab":"","once":true,"x":238.02398681640625,"y":558.8095397949219,"wires":[["6c080e47.1e45f"]]},{"id":"6c080e47.1e45f","type":"exec","z":"a5ce04b2.5a31f8","command":"python3 /home/pi/","addpay":true,"append":"","useSpawn":"","timer":"","name":"Pull APS Inverter Data","x":548.1426696777344,"y":559.2857208251953,"wires":[["7a88f9b6.a998b8","c50c10ea.a67108","50161e1f.6c9a8"],[],[]]},{"id":"7a88f9b6.a998b8","type":"emoncms","z":"a5ce04b2.5a31f8","name":"Post NodeRED > CMS Node 7","emonServer":"19f22b5f.3fb845","nodegroup":"7","x":932.1904296875,"y":545.4762573242188,"wires":[]},{"id":"19f22b5f.3fb845","type":"emoncms-server","z":"a5ce04b2.5a31f8","server":"","name":"Write emonCMS"}]

I have other nodes that are posting without any issues.

Your flow doesn’t help much.

add a debug node, run the script and post the response here.