Openevse web gui custom

Hi I am running OpenEVSE 5.01 and the wififirmware is V2.8.2

I was hoping to customize the top fo the wifigui to special message for our users.

Can someone show me the html file is so I can customise it? ie from OpenEVSE to King HS OpenEvse etc

Also after that do I need to use the platformio to build the firmware to upload it?



So I managed to make a modified web gui server and before i deploy it on the OpenEVSE I tried to run the firmware on my feather huzzah.
Looks like the board is building and uploading the firmware.

But when i run power the Adafruit Feather Huzzah and look for its ip address on fing app. I am unable to see the device pop up…

gui build folder

gui npm run build output

pio upload to feather huzzah

Nice work, can you view the serial debug output to give us a clue what the issue is?

I ran the following code after changine the platformio.ini -DDEBUG_PORT=Serial as I am using a Feather Huzzah

sudo pio run -t upload -eopenevse_dev -t monitor

I asldo added the -DENABLE_DEBUG_WEB flag to but no change in the debug serial output


Was able to get GUI up and connect to MQTT. But i guess because the EVSE is not connected to it cant not provide any reponses to the RAPI commands?

OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
MQTT received:
Topic: nikolaevse/rapi/in/$GV
Payload: 1580283007020
Processing as RAPI
ws[/ws][2] text-message[10]:

Slow mqtt_loop 513ms
Slow loop 1018ms
OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
Slow loop 504ms
ws[/ws][2] text-message[10]:
OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
Slow loop 505ms
OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
Slow loop 505ms
ws[/ws][2] text-message[10]:
OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
Slow loop 505ms
OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
Slow loop 505ms
ws[/ws][2] text-message[10]:
OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
Slow loop 505ms
Looking for /status
_HEADER[Connection]: keep-alive
_HEADER[Accept]: application/json, text/javascript, /; q=0.01
_HEADER[X-Requested-With]: XMLHttpRequest
_HEADER[User-Agent]: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36
_HEADER[Accept-Encoding]: gzip, deflate
_HEADER[Accept-Language]: en-US,en;q=0.9
lastUpdate = 0
millis() = 921933
(millis() - lastUpdate) / 1000 = 921
OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
Slow loop 505ms
ws[/ws][2] text-message[10]:
OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
nikolaevse/amp = 0
nikolaevse/wh = 0
nikolaevse/temp1 = 0
nikolaevse/temp2 = 0
nikolaevse/temp3 = 0
nikolaevse/pilot = 0
nikolaevse/state = 0
nikolaevse/freeram = 22712
nikolaevse/divertmode = 1
Slow mqtt_publish 9ms
Slow loop 519ms
OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
Slow loop 512ms
ws[/ws][2] text-message[10]:
OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
Slow loop 505ms
OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
Slow loop 505ms
ws[/ws][2] text-message[10]:
OpenEVSE not responding or not connected
Slow loop 505ms
— exit —

Ah yes, that all looks correct. An OpenEVSE hardware connection is required for RAPI


  1. I was wondering is it possible to use NB-IOT module to get a staticIP so the esp32 webserver can be accessed over the net outside the localnetwork?

  2. This would also updating firmware remotely a nice feature. IF this has been done already please point me in the right direction

  3. Feather Huzzah (or any ESP8622 dev board with buildin USB serial) is not particularly good for production use as you need to connect the main serial to the OpenEVSE board, should be ok for dev though.

    Is this true? I perfer to use the NODEMCU boards vs the barebone boards as the USB is handly for quickly uploading firmware and debug as needed on the spot . Are we able to overcome this limitations by using another UART?


I’m not familiar with those particular modules, but most good routers have the facility to be configured so that they will always allocate the same IP address to a particular device, even though it is not set as static in that device.

However, I would caution you to be careful opening ports in your router to the big bad Internet, as there are lots of hacker bots out there looking for open ports and ways in.