Openevse emoncms

could you tell me the types of data emoncms receives from openevse?
could you inform the api that communicates openevse with emoncms ?

Hi, thanks for your interest. Have you see our OpenEVSE setup guide for Emoncms:

Here is the data that get’s logged to Emoncms:

There is also an MQTT and HTTP API and the ability to send low level ‘RAPI’ commands to the OpenEVSE controller to control every aspect of the charger

Can I use this API to point to another service or is it emoncms specific ?

I can’t save him, how can I fix him?
error image

Try restarting the emonPi / EmonBase then try logging Inputs to Feeds again

I only use emoncms on my local server.

In the screenshot above you have a power_to_kwh process attached to the openevse pilot input logging to ev_current. This is not going to give good results. I would delete the ‘power_to_kwh’ process that you have added there…

Attached to the openevse:amp input this is the process list that I think you need:

I couldn’t find that openevse:amp entry.
would be in this same image that mentioned the error?

I really only need data from ev-energy, ev-current, ev-power and ev-temperature.
could that help?

It’s recommended to use the Emoncms device module to log OpenEVSE Inputs to Feeds in Emoncms:

See guide: