Kwhperiod dashboard widget bug?

I have a feed called e_prod. It is a “Power to kWh” feed which accumulates energy produced.
I am using this feed as an input to the “wkhperiod” dashboard widget.

If I insert, for example, only ONE widget into a new dashboard using this feed, to, for example, show me LAST month’s production, it works just fine - the correct value is displayed. In my case, 599 kWh.

If I change that widget’s settings to 0 periods ago, it shows the correct value or THIS month’s production. So far all good.

The issue:
If I now insert a SECOND widget into the same dashboard using the SAME feed, to show, for example, THIS month’s production (ie: one feed is set to this month and the other to last month), both widgets go nuts (sorry but I cant describe it any other way!)

So, how do the widgets go nuts?

  • sometimes the widgets will BOTH display LAST months production << this seems to prevail
  • sometimes BOTH widgets will display THIS months production << this happens seldom
  • sometimes they will display the correct information (this happened yesterday - Oct 1 - dont know if the date has anything to do with it)

What have i tried:
** Deleting browser cache - nothing happened
** Tried different browsers - nada
** Tried different devices/browsers - nada
** At fist I thought my September data had some issue with it which was messing up the widgets so I tried setting “periods ago” to 2, 3 etc - no change
** I added a THIRD widget to show production of 2 months ago - ALL 3 widgets show the data of prodn 2 months ago!
** I then deleted all 3 widgets and created them in reverse order (1st- widget showing data 2 months old, 2nd- widget showing last months data, 3rd- this months data) - all 3 widgets show LAST months data

Am I missing something?


I forgot to mention: my original dashboard (the one with the two widgets showing this month’s data and last month’s data) worked fine upto about 3-4 weeks ago… Since then its been acting nuts…

Hi. Same problem for me since I updated Dashboard module to 2.4.0

We appear to be the only ones w the issue! :slight_smile:

I think this is a question for @TrystanLea.

Thanks for reporting this issue @phamiltonsmith and for the detailed description. I am able to reproduce and I can see why the issue is happening from the code, the second widget overwrites the values associated with the first giving the results that you see. Might take me a little time to fix this and a few busy days ahead, remind me next week if I havent updated with a fix in this thread.

Tks! Will do!