Error when downloading data from


When downloading data from I get an error when I try to download data from a channel when choosing the non-Excel date time format:
“Request end time before start time”

This is a strange error, because my time frame request is correct, i.e. my end time really is after my starting time. As soon as I check the Excel format box, the download does work.

Is this a bug? And is there perhaps a workaround?


Hello @jascha what do you have printed in the offset seconds box? I just tried here with 0 entered and excel format unchecked and it worked fine.

Hi @TrystanLea,
Thanks for your reply. Apparently the offset box needs a number? I had not changed it and to be honest I don’t know its meaning. I now tried entering a 0 as you did and now it did work for me too.
Thanks a lot for helping me out!