emonVs USB-C Power connections

Have opened my emonVs tonight to use an alternative mains power cable

On looking at the connections before anything intrusive,… I notice the power connections to the USB-C power cable seem to be wired ‘conventionally’ wrong,… RED= -Ve/ GND, whilst BLACK=+Ve. At least according to the PCB legend.
I have heard of some sneaky tricks to confuse folks about power connections,… is this one of these cables,…
Just want to check before I ( ignite, sorry ) power up my system…
BTW no tag yet for emonVs

Yes your right, this was a source of great initial confusion for ourselves too! They are the wrong way around. Unfortunately found after having ordered these in volume. This definitely needs to be added to the emonVs documentation with a good picture.

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Ah yes,… most annoying that some folks think Red is negative, ( even hurts to write it )… this is just ‘so not convention’ for a die hard old nerd,…
But definitely worth adding to the docs…

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Perhaps a label on the inside of the enclosure? #pleaseaddtothedocs

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