Hi, 2 days ago my emonPI stopped updating for the “internal” feeds - power1, power2 - but external devices that call the API are still being logged. you can see this in the chart below. The carbon intensity is written via an external api call.
The inputs all read “null” -
I have tried a reboot but to no avail. I am currently away so can’t do a power cycle - but does anyone have any advice.?
I have SSH access to the emon PI and also the web interface via port forwarding so I can access it remotely. Is there a way to trigger the reset line on the “blue board” (with the ADC’s etc) from the PI?
Hello @carl_afgte45
Can you check if emonHub is running? what do you see with:
tail -f /var/log/emonhub/emonhub.log
Thanks! Here you go, also attached the full log and the extract from the config page.
emon_config.txt.zip (1.8 KB)
emonhub.log.zip (998 Bytes)
When I looked this morning the status page showed the emonhub as running. All the timestamps in the log are yesterday, this is around the time I rebooted it (via the web page interface).
I never fully understood the architecture - too busy using the emonPI - but does the emon hub handle the data from the blue microcontroller board and answering the API calls get handled by something else? Other than the two CT’s and voltage sensor everything else I have sends data via API calls.
2024-10-14 18:41:25,972 INFO MainThread Creating EmonHubEmoncmsHTTPInterfacer ‘emoncmsorg’
2024-10-14 18:41:25,978 DEBUG MainThread Setting emoncmsorg pubchannels: [‘ToRFM12’]
2024-10-14 18:41:25,979 DEBUG MainThread Setting emoncmsorg subchannels: [‘ToEmonCMS’]
2024-10-14 18:41:25,984 WARNING MainThread Setting emoncmsorg apikey: obscured
2024-10-14 18:41:25,985 INFO MainThread Setting emoncmsorg url: https://emoncms.org
2024-10-14 18:41:25,986 INFO MainThread Setting emoncmsorg senddata: 1
2024-10-14 18:41:25,988 INFO MainThread Setting emoncmsorg sendstatus: 1
2024-10-14 18:41:25,989 INFO MainThread Setting emoncmsorg sendnames: 0
2024-10-14 18:41:25,990 INFO MainThread Setting emoncmsorg compress: 0
2024-10-14 18:41:25,992 DEBUG MainThread Automatic configuration of nodes disabled
Back home today - when cycling through the screens on the emonPI one of them is stuck at “connecting”. I shutdown the emonPI from the web interface, removed the power supply lead waited a few seconds and re-powered, it booted fine, and everything is working again.
It seems the “Connecting…” screen is the voltage and temperatures.
The 5V feed to the emon is on a UPS supply so it probably has not had a power cycle in some years, although I periodically reboot the PI.
Suggestions as to what happened are welcome - also rebooting from the web interface or ssh terminal (like when I was way) clearly does not do a full reset like cycling the power. Is there no way to achieve a “full reset” via a command?
Correct. The “emon” front end that does the power, temperature & pulse counting and handles radio reception is not restarted when the Pi is rebooted, as noted in the FAQ. Unfortunately, there’s no hardware reset available and the only software reset also wipes any custom calibration and restores the sketch defaults. If this is acceptable to you, issue the command 'r via the serial interface.