Dashboard v1.2.0 released

The ‘stable’ git repo has just been updated and Dashboard v1.2.0 released.
The changes will be most noticeable for users using the stable branch, as the update draws together a number of improvements/fixes that have progressively added to the master branch over a number of months.

The main changes are;

  • Export/import dashboard feature added (TrystanLea)
  • Cross site scripting security update (TrystanLea)
  • Dynamic sizing applied to widget handles (thib66)
  • Option to use feed tag:name rather than feedid (TrystanLea)
  • French localisation updates (thib66)
  • Added ‘timeout’ widget & functionality to existing widget (EA2EGA)
  • Thermometer improvements & fix temp conversion (thib66)

Can I draw your attention to 2 of the features which may be useful if migrating/exporting dashboards.
Option to use feed tag:name rather than feedid, ends the reliance upon feed ID’s, so that it’s easy to import a dashboard without breaking the link between the dash and the corresponding feed.
To use this feature, firstly make sure that you’ve assigned tags & name to your feeds!
Then select ‘Configure dashboard basic data’ from your dashboard floating toolbox, and select ‘By tag:name’ from the drop-down and save.
Open each widget in your dashboard and re-save it. This will save your preference to use ‘tag:name’ for that respective widget, instead of feed id.

Export/import dashboard
Whilst in the ‘Configure dashboard basic data’ page, you’ll notice that a new frame has been added which includes the code for that respective dashboard. This can be simply copied and pasted into the same frame within a new dashboard to create a replica.
You will probably notice that the dashboard page footer does not automatically move to the bottom of the page in the new dashboard. To resolve this, edit the dashboard, and make the slightest change to any widget (move it a millimetre!!) which will prompt the dashboard SAVE button, and automatically move the footer to the bottom.



Thankyou @Paul

Hi Paul,
After many years of running my emonpi/tx setup, I finally got around with trying to build fancy dashboards.
Just using saved graphs up until now.
Anyway, I’m using emonSD-26Oct17. Is there a safe way to upgrade to Dashboard x1.2.0 or should I wait until the next stable SD release?

Have you updated your emonpi using it’s update menu button?
If so, it should automatically update not just emoncms, but also the dashboard to the current release, which I believe is v1.3.0.


Hi Paul,

Yes, I did the update. I think it finished (log below) but it still says:

Server Information

Emoncms Version low-write 9.8.27 2017.12.21
Modules Administration App v1.1.0 Backup v1.1.2 EmonHub Config v1.0.0 Dashboard v1.1.1 EventProcesses Feed Graph v1.2.0 Input postprocess CoreProcess Schedule setup Time User Visualisation WiFi v1.0.0

Upgrade log: (has this completed successfully?)

Filesystem is unlocked - Write access
type ' rpi-ro ' to lock
I2C LCD NOT DETECTED on either 0x['27', '3f'] ...exiting LCD script
Starting emonPi Update >
via service-runner-update.sh
Service Runner update script V1.0.0
EUID: 1000
Argument: emonpi
Wednesday 10 October  11:47:54 ACDT 2018

emonSD version: emonSD-26Oct17

emonSD base image check passed...continue update

Filesystem is unlocked - Write access
type ' rpi-ro ' to lock
git pull /home/pi/emonpi
* master
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
git pull /home/pi/RFM2Pi
* master
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
git pull /home/pi/emonhub
* emon-pi
On branch emon-pi
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/emon-pi'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
git pull /home/pi/oem_openHab
* master
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
git pull /home/pi/usefulscripts
* master
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
git pull /home/pi/huawei-hilink-status
* master
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Start emonPi Atmega328 firmware update:

EmonPi update started

EUID: 1000

Requirement already up-to-date: paho-mqtt in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
Stopping OpenEnergyMonitor emonHub: emonhub has been stopped ok.
Start ATmega328 serial upload using avrdude with latest.hex
Discrete Sampling
avrdude -c arduino -p ATMEGA328P -P /dev/ttyAMA0 -b 115200 -U flash:w:/home/pi/emonpi/firmware/compiled/latest.hex
avrdude-original: Using autoreset DTR on GPIO Pin 7
Starting OpenEnergyMonitor emonHub: emonhub has been started ok.
[email protected] node_modules/node-red-node-emoncms

Start emonhub update script:

EmonPi update started
Running emonhub automatic node addition script
EUID: 1000
EUID: 1000
Node 5 already present
Node 6 already present
Node 7 already present
Node 8 already present
Node 9 already present
Node 10 already present
Node 11 already present
Node 12 already present
Node 13 already present
Node 14 already present
Node 19 already present
Node 20 already present
Node 21 already present
Node 22 already present
Node 23 already present
Node 24 already present
Node 25 already present
Node 26 already present

Start emoncms update:

Emoncms update started
Emoncms update script V1.1.1

Wednesday 10 October  12:20:18 ACDT 2018


emonSD version: emonSD-26Oct17

emonSD base image check pass...continue update

EUID: 1000
Checking cron tab for service runner entry...
Add service runner cron entry

current settings.php md5: c000f614aacbb38d288f0e3dbe9cfb88
Default settings.php md5: c000f614aacbb38d288f0e3dbe9cfb88

git pull /var/www/emoncms
* stable
On branch stable
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

NEW default settings.php md5: c000f614aacbb38d288f0e3dbe9cfb88
settings.php had NOT been user modifed
No update required to settings.php

git pull /var/www/emoncms/Modules/app
* stable
On branch stable
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

git pull /var/www/emoncms/Modules/config
* stable
On branch stable
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

git pull /var/www/emoncms/Modules/wifi
* stable
On branch stable
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
git pull /var/www/emoncms/Modules/dashboard
On branch stable
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

git pull /var/www/emoncms/Modules/graph
* stable
On branch stable
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

git pull /home/pi/postprocess
git pull /home/pi/backup
* stable
On branch stable
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/stable'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

update mqtt_input systemd unit file

Update Emoncms database

Restarting Services...
Restarting OpenEnergyMonitor emonHub: emonhub has been restarted ok.
Log is turned off
Restarting feedwriter

Restarting openhab (via systemctl): openhab.service.

set log rotate config owner to root
Restarting Services...

Starting emonPi LCD service..

Filesystem is locked - Read Only access
type ' rpi-rw ' to unlock
Wednesday 10 October  12:21:26 ACDT 2018

emonPi update done

The upgrade process seems to do a git pull on /var/www/emoncms/Modules/dashboard but after the upgrade the system still reports dashboard 1.1.1.

Has it actually been updated and the admin page just shows details from the original SD image perhaps?

Looking at the files on the pi at /var/www/emoncms/Modules/dashboard, the module.json file says v1.1.1, so I don’t think the update is getting anything newer with the git pull.

Hhmm, strange.
If you cd /var/www/emoncms/Modules/dashboard and then enter git log --pretty=oneline -3 it will show you the last 3 commits made, which you can compare with the commits shown here.
For me, it shows;

pi@raspberrypi:/var/www/emoncms/Modules/dashboard $ git log --pretty=oneline -3
f729cf25b6d9751f4f30cab09e61213f57b92c52 fix align
05ea5a1e45737d5753440c2d1cbd54aaaa162b53 backwards compatibility of units
b3eab39c81879c908268e8901d1be84f4461c718 feedvalue alignment option

…which compares with the git repo

If it’s not up to date, whilst in that directory, put the filesystem into RW and try manually updating - git pull and make a note of any messages.

Hi Paul,

How to create new widget & add in dashboard…

If you have any tutorial for widget development…

Please share it…

Hi Paul,

If you have any timer widget for dashboard.
Set time in dashboard and once reach the time change feed value, that kind of work.

If you have that kind of widget or please share to create timer widget ideas…


Inherently, Emoncms is a time based data capture and visulisation tool.

If you are looking for some sort of home automation, Emoncms is not the right tool (IMHO). Try Home-Assistant (which has come a long way but the yaml structure is still difficult to use) or Node-red.

I’m a fan of using a hammer on nails and a screwdriver on screws.

OK, well that was interesting.

The manual GIT did show no updates since 2017, so I did the manual pull and it updated dashboard to v1.3 in the GUI (admin view screen).

But, none of my dashboards would display.

Reboot… Nothing.

So I did the RPi update again, and this time it finished WAY faster, and updated from 2017.12.21 to 2018.06.21.


So all good, I now have the newer features of the dashboard (looking to manually move setup from on to another using the html view in the setup screen).

I’d like to move the 6 status “LED’s” from my temperatures dashboard to my main energy one…



OK, so now I am confused…

I started playing with API keys in the URL to allow viewing the dashboard without loging in.

Now the feeds page just gives me the spinning wheel (even after a reboot), and the admin menu item (where upgrade etc was) has now gone?

What have I done :frowning:

mmm OK, so the read only API key may have been confusing the GUI as it the logged in state. After going to the admin URL on another machine, and loggin in, the admin menu item is there.

OK, as mentioned elsewhere, the fix for the feeds page not loading was a browser cache clear.