Configuring a dedicated local emonCMS and pointing emonPi to it

Hi all

At the moment I have some different physical located input sources.

I’ve gone with the lechacal boards (currently 2 x 8CT boards giving me 16 CT’s, current config require 12), which accept the emonPi image, next upgrade will be a board that can take a voltage input to create a base line,

The primary will run 16 x CT’s, one CT as a main house feed (100Amp) and then the others as individual output circuit measure points.

I also want to connect a pulse meter onto this board to record the pre paid LED pulses, this board does not have the input point so some how need to hard wire onto the pins…
The Lechacal uses pins 1-10 already.

Would like to also attach a small LCD, as a small diagnostic output.

Additionally I want to configure a RPIZero with a 20amp relay and a temperature sensor to measure a geyser temp and then switch it on / off based on temp and also run a timer on it.

As for this request… how do I move the emonCMS thats local on this board off onto a separate RPi so that both this board and the Zero can log to a remote RPI ?


@TrystanLea ?

Hello @georgel. Im not familiar with the lechacal boards unfortunately, are you using emonhub to pass data to emoncms? Was that part of the setup procedure?

Looks like they are patterned somewhat from an emonTx. If memory serves, forum user chacal
(old forum, I don’t recall seeing any activity from him on the new forum) is the developer of said hardware.

Here’s a pic:

Still setting up… slowly.

I"m just using emonPi and using a local store at the moment. I would like to rather consider a central emonCMS/locally.
That way I can get the emonPi to send to it and the board that will run the pulse meter, as it won’t be able to be on the same board.

so comment about these boards ?


Unfortunately, the only thing that was familiar was the username chacal.
It’s been more than two years since I’ve seen the name. I’m surprised I remembered it.

Other than that, I don’t know anything about them.
Sorry I can’t be of more help. :disappointed: