Changed my WiFi

Hello. Apologies, I’m sure this has been asked but despite searching and reading I haven’t found a solution.

I have been running the EmonPi for about a year. The original setup was done by following 1a in installation instructions “connect via wifi” and everything worked fine.

A month ago we switched from BT to Sky broadband which then meant the EmonPi wasn’t on the WiFi anymore. I’ve just gotten around to taking it down and plugging it into my computer to hopefully access settings and reconnect the wifi.

However, when I navigate to the IP Address for the EmonPi which is now connected via ethernet cable I’m asked for username and password.

Have tried:
and my EmonCMS account username

All result in “Username does not exist”

Any thoughts on how I log in to the EmonPi or reset the WiFi?


My notes say that for all recent versions, user=“pi” & password=“emonpi2016”.

Thanks Robert. Tried those with no success though.

Those are the SSH credentials.
“pi” & “raspberry”
“root” & “raspberry”
“admin” & “raspberry”
have also been used for various things in the past.

If you are navigating to the IP of the emonPi via browser, you should see the emoncms log in like so


this will be a user name and password of your choosing, there is no “default” credentials, the first user is created by you after first boot.

If you do not recall using these to log in when you visit, perhaps you had saved those login details within your browser? The change of IP address means the browser would no longer associate the saved password with the emonpi. If this is the case you might be able to retrieve the details from the browser, I could tell you how for chrome, but not for any other browsers offhand.

If you are unable to retrieve it that way, I believe there is a emoncms password reset script/procedure you can use, I do not recall where you’ll find it offhand but I’m sure we will be able to find it if you confirm you need to go that route.

Once you are logged into emoncms, I would assume there’s a way to reconnect to another wifi from the wifi page.

Thank you Paul, that worked perfectly. I used Keychain to find the username and password that I’d used originally (don’t know why I chose different usernames on the Pi and EmonCMS account!).

All logged in, WiFi changed and now back up and running.

Thanks and also thanks Robert for your input.

Best wishes