Calculate KWH used per hour

How does one calculate KWH used per hour from data that is store in emoncms? I have the below data for example, and want to know what was the total watts used during this hour. I do not think it would the Peak as that could represents only 5 minutes at 6kw.

2016-09-11 23:00:00, 6312.2
2016-09-11 23:02:00, 6290.1
2016-09-11 23:04:00, 2286.6
2016-09-11 23:06:00, 1766.8
2016-09-11 23:08:00, 1748.4
2016-09-11 23:10:00, 1745.8
2016-09-11 23:12:00, 1728.5
2016-09-11 23:14:00, 1736.3
2016-09-11 23:16:00, 1937.7
2016-09-11 23:18:00, null
2016-09-11 23:20:00, 1732.8
2016-09-11 23:22:00, 1741.8
2016-09-11 23:24:00, 1726.4
2016-09-11 23:26:00, 1711.6
2016-09-11 23:28:00, 1711.1
2016-09-11 23:30:00, 1698.9
2016-09-11 23:32:00, 1707.7
2016-09-11 23:34:00, 1719.3
2016-09-11 23:36:00, 1820.9
2016-09-11 23:38:00, 1833.1
2016-09-11 23:40:00, 1854.8
2016-09-11 23:42:00, 1852.9
2016-09-11 23:44:00, 1847.1
2016-09-11 23:46:00, null
2016-09-11 23:48:00, 3952.1
2016-09-11 23:50:00, 5912.3
2016-09-11 23:52:00, 6070.4
2016-09-11 23:54:00, 6224.2
2016-09-11 23:56:00, 6260.6
2016-09-11 23:58:00, 3678.4

Would like to have a separate table or chart with KW used per hour, so the above data would be like below. That way I can know for different time of day rates how much I would pay for 22:00 versus 23:00.

2016-09-11 23:00 4678 KWH
2016-09-11 22:00 6789 KWH

Did you ever implement this?

Hello. Me too was never able out kWh per hour for one feed in my emoncms. Any solutions?

Hello @vladimiremon

You can use the method described in this post and change the interval to hourly rather than daily:
Calculating Daily kWh - Guide | OpenEnergyMonitor

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:+1: thank you

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Hi, old topic but i am battling with getting hourly kWh calculated. I have read the guide but not sure i fully understand how to get hourly correctly.
My goal is to get the data and then be able to calculate the hourly electricity bill based on market price.